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Tabla or Devi

scarlet knight

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Between those two, I'd definitely pick Tabla. Although I haven't been back in a couple of years, the food was more creative and carefully prepared, and the environment swankier and more elegant. While Devi was quite good, I couldn't help feeling like it wasn't that different from a very good standard Indian joint. Tabla (the upstairs dining room) is modern, and provides a gastronomic experience influenced by Indian ingredients and dishes, while Devi is closer to a regular high-end Indian place.

Where would you go for your birthday?

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Between those two, I'd definitely pick Tabla.  Although I haven't been back in a couple of years, the food was more creative and carefully prepared, and the environment swankier and more elegant.  While Devi was quite good, I couldn't help feeling like it wasn't that different from a very good standard Indian joint.  Tabla (the upstairs dining room) is modern, and provides a gastronomic experience influenced by Indian ingredients and dishes, while Devi is closer to a regular high-end Indian place. 

I rate Devi a little higher than LPShanet does. Nevertheless, Tabla's the choice.
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I can not recommend Devi over Tabla.

Tabla has some real innovation. Devi puts together a meal creatively out of traditional Indian fare but not beyond.

Having said that, Tabla is usually crowded on weekends (at least when I went there last). Friday and Sat nights are avoidable if you want to experience Tabla at its best.

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I still have NOT made it to Devi, so perhaps I should STFU, but I think I passed by and it's your usual white cloth Indian decor? While Tabla's space and mood is very swank and seductive... I guess that should be a consideration for a birthday dinner - being that it's special, I'd go for Tabla as the more "festive" place, not to mention the food and wine list is simply spectacular

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I think that they are very different restaurants, and my choice would be squarely on Tabla. I found the food at Devi to be in some cases "ok" in some cases downright mediocre. I didn't find it particularly creative. I felt that food was well presented, but as far as taste, not much different than an average neighborhood Indian meal. Tabla on the other hand, is not exactly Indian food, but food that is well executed with the use of Indian ingredients.

And given that you are looking for something more special occasion, I think that in terms of food, service and decor, Tabla is a better choice hands-down.

Arley Sasson

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My point about Devi is the following.

Devi tries to be different by using snacks and other dishes that are eaten at other times of the day or places and incorporates them as part of the meal. That might be creative in some sense. However, most of them do not go together. Moreover, Devi does not have expertise in making those snacks. So they came out quite mediocre. That takes away from the main courses that Devi does well. There is no sense in trying to be different for the sake of it, in my opinion.

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