Native to India, culinary (edible) grade of chandan (white sandalwood) [Santalum album] is sourced locally from Berkeley, California at an herbal shop that's family owned and operated called Lhasa Karnak Herb Company. They stock a wide variety of spices and herbs. If you’re local to Berkeley, CA, I highly recommend visiting them. Ships to USA addresses only.
2506 San Pablo Avenue. Berkeley, CA 94702. (510) 548-0380.
1942 Shattuck Avenue. Berkeley, CA 94704. (510) 548-0372.
I prefer the San Pablo location for its easier parking (in-store pickup) and added security—thanks to the Bank of America lot just down the block. When buying, I opt for sandalwood chips to save on costs, then grind them into a fine powder myself.
- 113.40 g (4 oz) chandan wood chips cost $32.00.
- 113.40 g (4 oz) chandan fine powder cost $40.00.