40 minutes ago, Smithy said:
A series of posts in the current Dinner topic referred to eating snake, and you pointed out this post. It gives me the chance to ask: since we are now in the Year of the Snake, does that tilt the menu toward or away from eating snake?
Not at all. The 'animal' in the year name is not part of most menus. Indeed, two of the twelve are illegal to eat: tiger and monkey. One (dragon) is mythical. Rat is not eaten much, at all. The remainder could be on the menu but are not considered essential in any way.
Ox (beef), Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat (or sheep*), Rooster (chicken), Dog and Pig are all possible though.
Fish, not one of the twelve, is usual as it represents longevity.
* Chinese doesn't usually distinguish between the two.