I am loving everything about this thread.
As a child, the thing I ordered in restaurants whenever we went to restaurants -- (which wasn't often, this was the 70s, weren't restaurants strictly for "occasions"??? Maybe they were really diners we were going to, I don't know) -- anyway, the thing I always got was "hamburger steak". I kind of remember being very concerned/intrigued/committed-to-figuring-out whether the "salisbury steak" at school was the same thing. I thought the potential for confusion was a Big Problem. Possibly even an engineering problem (my dad was an engineer, I thought it meant "smart").
My main other-mother was from Lafayette. Which she pronounced, "LAAAA-feeyette". "La" like a baby's "waaah"; "fy" quick-almost-swallowed, "yette" kinda spit out.
They moved around the country (she married a man who was what used to be called "an IBM-er") -- and were living near where I went to college, during my college years. Which are important years to have an other-mother. Anyway, after retirement, they settled back home.
She remains one of the top two cooks in my life, ever. When I lived in Alabama I would hightail it to Lafayette whenever possible. For the love, but even more for the food. Honestly? Her meals probably kept me from succombing altogether to depression when I was in college.
I think I need some Louisiana eatin', urgently.
On topic -- I have a lot of people in my professional life who have a whole lot of needs that present in a frame of straight insanity. One expert psychologist I was escorting on a work trip needed a hotel room that had not been cleaned because she had a "very fragile liver" that could not handle so much as a whiff of residual industrial cleaner.
Why yes, she drank with dinner. Yes. Plenty.