2 hours ago, heidih said:I live in a Mediterranean climate and do not heat the house. I have what are considered cold fast hands in the pastry context. I've used the ceramic tile counter in some kitchens and since marble/granite is pretty I've either had a piece set in the counter or aside to use. 18" x 18" from marble yard = dirt cheap. But really I find quick hand and not over working brings lovely puff. I've tried many methods and never been disappointed. Share your experiments.
Thanks Heidi, very helpful. I have to laugh as I’m afraid my hands are likely the polar opposites to you. Typing this is excruciatingly cumbersome as my thumb is thick and ungainly and I can’t look at butter without its melting in stark terror. Thanks to an early fever for all things French and thanks to Jacques for lighting a lifelong fire for fundamentals (to a fault), I’ve been able to stumble through well enough as needed on pastry but too keenly aware at my relatively feeble technical and imaginative mastery.
C’est la vie. Careme’s spirit will have to wait for the next life, 😏
I really appreciate your post, thanks. What a beautiful place to write from, and helpful to get your perspective.