13 hours ago, liuzhou said:
Is it?
Not in many Chinese kitchens. Most people don't have the equipment. You can't cook a whole, submerged chicken in a domestic wok, which is all many homes have. A wok and a rice cooker is all most people have.
I don't have a pan large enough and I'm not going to buy one just for something I might cook once a year. Especially when I can buy the dish so easily, if I choose. But if I did buy a suitable pan, where would I keep it? Chinese home kitchens tend to be smaller than what you may be used to.
Also. it uses a lot of water. Once to cover the chicken to poach, then for the ice bath which also has to cover the bird. Where do I get that much ice?
I'm not saying no one makes it, but few do. I don't think any of my friends do.
Did you look at any of the videos I linked to? You can totally do this by steaming (very little water). And I refer to the shauxing wine method to replace the ice water bath which imparts more flavor but does not have as crunchy a skin.