Back in Winnipeg after 48 hours straight in the train. I was supposed to arrive around 5pm but there was a broke-down train on the same track in the middle of nowhere and thus we had to sit still (also in the middle of nowhere) and wait til they moved it out of the way.
This train and the food is a bit less "nice" than the Toronto-Vancouver train. But it's OK. My travel companion and I are the only 2 persons in carriages with private compartments and private sleepers who are not pensioners and the elderly on organised tours. Needless to say they were most curious about us. You sit with different people at a different table at every meal and they have many questions for you. Very stressful if you are an extreme introvert like me.
Food options are limited. Half of the menu is burgers and sandwiches.
Fruits are in syrup, unfortunately for me. I had a bite of the butter tart but my teeth melted straight away and fell sick (extremely low sugar threshold).
Scenery is different than from Toronto to Winnipeg. It was warm coming from Toronto.
A 2 hour stop in a one horse town.
My travel companion ate it all.
There is still some snow seen in the trees in this photo. After that there was no more.