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01 May 2015: International Workers' Day Celebration Baking


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I know the US celebrates Labor Day in September but International Workers Day is 01 May. I bake for a Dutch chef who organises pop-ups in various locations around this part of North Wales. His menus move from country to country every week which keeps me on my toes and this week he's doing Cuba.


The main item was Black Bean, Jalapenos and Coriander (Cilantro) Bread but I couldn't resist doing the Chipotle and Cumin "Cigars" as an extra.

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Mick Hartley

The PArtisan Baker


"I can give you more pep than that store bought yeast" - Evolution Mama (don't you make a monkey out of me)

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Reality check. One day we're celebrating International Workers Day, next day we have another royal mouth to feed. Anyway I thought I should make the best of it and turned out a couronne (a crown) - what you might call a pain ironique.


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I'll attempt a less clunky version today.



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Mick Hartley

The PArtisan Baker


"I can give you more pep than that store bought yeast" - Evolution Mama (don't you make a monkey out of me)

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My daughter is born of first of May, it is a bank holiday so  she has the whole day with us and friends, so of course there was cakes, cookies and good food.

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Cheese is you friend, Cheese will take care of you, Cheese will never betray you, But blue mold will kill me.

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