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Foie gras au sel


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I'm trying a recipe from The fifth quarter: Foie gras au sel. The steps are: deveining the foie, marinating it in half wine half sherry with salt and pepper, wrap in cheesecloth and bury in salt for 12 hours. The authour suggests using the marinate for a gelée. But I'm a little dubious. Would you use it?

Anybody already done a foie gras au sel? Experiences to share? I just marinated the foie overnight, I'm going to devein now because I didn't have time to do it earlier and I thought it will hold better a integer piece in the marinate.


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I have not tried this recipe exactly, but have marinated foie in booze before, and it makes for a very nice gelee. Also used as an aspic cap on rillettes. Pork was a little more powerful than I'd have liked, but it married beautifully with duck (seems obvious as I type it, but there you go...).

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Thanks Dexter.

I post because the holidays are getting closer and this is an easy recipe for foie. We cut it open yesterday night. Flavor very nice, the texture seems to me slightly creamier than terrine cooked foie. It's because I should have cooked longer in salt? The general reccomendation I found also online is 2 hours for every 100g of fresh foie. So, mine was just above 600 g and it was buried in salt around 12 hours. We didn't like the jelly it was a little salty (I put salt in it when marinating the foie) but overall very nice. My parents enjoyed it much more than the usual I buy from stores.


foie gras au sel di Francesca Spalluto, su Flickr

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