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Trout Roe

Darcie B

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I have just been presented with about 2 cups of fresh rainbow trout roe (and by freshI mean the fisherman just cleaned the fish 10 minutes ago). Is trout roe worth preparing, and if so, how? I'm up in the mountains with little access to fancy ingredients, but I do have things like cream, butter, shallots, chives, fresh herbs and so on. Help!

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It is absolutely worth preparing.

I have had delicious trout roe with creme fraiche and herbs. Some chopped shallots would be good, too.

I don't know whether you have to do anything to it before eating it raw- rinse it, perhaps? Brine it a little?

You can also fold it into some soft scrambled eggs- that would be good. Or you can make fritters. I would be very careful not to overcook it.

If you don't have creme fraiche or sour cream, you can just whip your cream and add a little salt and some herbs. That would be delicious with eggs and roe.

I hope you enjoy your treat!

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Hi Darcie,

I recently came across some fresh flounder roe, the adventures with which I bet you will find entertaining.

Check it out here.


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