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  1. Thanks for the suggestion @pastrygirl. I am considering going the fat-soluble powder route but wanted to try procuring the Power Flowers first (it's so convenient since they tell you exactly how many of each color to add to white chocolate to achieve a specific shade).
  2. Hi @Kerry Beal, I’ll DM you.
  3. I’m trying to purchase Power Flowers but can't find a US supplier. The only US supplier that seems to carry them (The Chef's Warehouse) only sells to companies and not individual households/hobbyists. Does anyone have extra power flowers I can purchase from? I need red and yellow. Alternatively, would someone be willing to help me purchase Power Flowers from The Chef’s Warehouse? I attempted to open an account with them but can’t because I’m not a company.
  4. That's great to hear that the spray booth can accommodate the Fuji's overspray. @Jim D., do you have a Fuji Platinum Q4 or Q5? The cost associated with replacing the pre-filters is also a concern of mine. @Jim D., do you know approximately how many pre-filters you can cut from the 150 foot filter roll (I would calculate this on my own, but I don't know the dimensions of the fan's opening.)? I'm also curious about the grade number on their filters. They don't provide this information on their website unfortunately. Does anyone know the the size range of cocoa butter overspray particles? 2-6 microns, maybe? Also, @Jim D.when you say the pre-filters need to be changed after spraying "a few molds", does "a few molds" mean about 3 molds? And is that what you observe when spraying with your Fuji or what you observe when using some other spray system? Apologies for the many questions. I'm just trying to figure out if this spray system is monetarily sustainable.
  5. Does anyone have any experience with this spray booth by CakeSafe https://www.cakesafe.com/store#!/Master-Spray-Booth-Tall-Basic/p/56321024/category=15076001? The webpage states that the booth is "* Intended for use with airbrush guns appropriate for the baking industry. Not for use with high volume automotive spray guns.", which means that this booth cannot/isn't designed to handle the overspray generated by HVLP systems like the Fuji Platinum Q4. Each fan moves 650 cfm of air (which is a considerable volume of air). Can your makeshift spray booth handle the overspray generated by the Fuji Platinum Q4, @Jim D. (I think I've seen you write in another post that you have this spray system.)? @tikidoc, could you share what spray system you use?
  6. @jedovaty, were the croissants (that you linked to) made using the roller? Also, would you mind telling me how you know that Konbi uses a Shimpo roller? I don't believe Konbi has shared the name of the manufacturer before. Could you tell me where you purchased your roller?
  7. no10

    Corn Syrup

    Karo's website says that (their) corn syrup contains between 15-20% dextrose (DE 15-20). Does anyone know the percent solids content (or percent water) of Karo's light corn syrup (the "mixture of various other types of sugar" statement isn't very helpful)?
  8. Hi @minas6907, have you ever tried using fruit puree to flavor Greweling's gummy formulation rather than extract or oils?
  9. Hi @minas6907, would you mind sharing how you flavored the jelly beans?
  10. Hi everyone! Does anyone know what the center of a Skittle is? Is it a grained taffy? If so, does anyone have a recipe for grained taffy?
  11. On a somewhat related topic, how do you all prevent scuffing on the surface of your bon bons during transit? Does tightly packing with candy pads work?
  12. Yes, it does! Thank you @pastrygirl!
  13. Thanks for the information, @Louise nadine brill! Any chance you've tried Roxy & Rich's gold cocoa butter?
  14. No problem at all! Thanks for getting back to me. I would like the full recipe! I'll DM you.
  15. Hi @minas6907, are the peanut butter cup molds and the two piece magnetic sphere still available?
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