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Everything posted by J_Ozzy

  1. Hi Kristian, If you haven't found it already, bc liquor stores have an online presence. Their list of rum is quite extensive, including Cruzan, Havana Club, Barbancourt (including their 15 yr old), and the old canadian/newfie/jamaican standby, Screech. As Jason mentioned, filling in the gaps in your rum portfolio can be accomplished duty-free (in two bottle increments) on 48 hr trips to Washington state or Oregon. Have fun and enjoy yourself in beautiful B.C.
  2. Cruzan is already on the shelves in Ontario. two flavoured rums (rum liqueurs) , coconut and vanilla, have been around for a while. New (within the past 2 months) is the Cruzan Single Barrel Estate (available on a limited basis). cruzan estate diamond (and single barrel) is available in Manitoba I'm looking forward to giving the Cruzan vanilla rum a try in the near future. Edited to add: Alberta, our only quasi-deregulated province, has stores that have carried most of the Cruzan line for years...at lower prices... go figure
  3. Hi Max, I can tell you that both the SAQ and the LCBO carried a variety of cachaça in 2002. I noticed in mid-2003 that both had dropped it from their lists. I have one bottle that I am carfully nursing. I suggest you take a 2-day trip to New York state and bring back 2 duty-free bottles. sorry I can't be more helpful
  4. Marlene, Do you know at which LCBO your husband found it? I would like to try Pearl, but I can't find it listed anywhere.
  5. Being in the college-student boat, I have some pretty big holes in my cabinet (which actually happens to be a shelf in my kitchen). On the plus side, I live near the Quebec border, so I have both the LCBO and SAQ to choose from. Gin: 1.75L of Beefeater. Originally intended for Singapore Slings, now doing duty in G&T's. Vodka: Grey Goose (Christmas present) Absolut Citron (cosmos) and "SAQ Alcool 94%" (for large batch drinks at parties) Rye: Alberta Premium Rum: HC3, Appleton VX, Rhum Saint James, Wray and Nephew Overproof Vermouth: Martini (red), Noilly Pratt (white) Bitter drinks: Campari herbal: Benedictine Bitters: Angostura Etc.: Cointreau, white creme de cacao, Courvoisier VS, Calvados Boulard, Cachaca, Pisco, Pineau des Charentes, Apricot liqueur, creme de banane, blue curacao, Chambord, Of special note: Meaghers "Grand Curacao"; as good as Cointreau for the price of triple sec. Unfortunately not available in Ontario. Cherry Heering: I bought some originally for singapore slings (see Gin section), but found that it overpowered the drink completely. I now have 2 bottles gathering dust... I hope to add some Maker's Mark and Un Emile 68 absinthe to my collection over the summer.
  6. Mrbigjas, As it was mentioned earlier in the thread, there are a few Canadian Whiskies that are distilled from 100% Rye (Alberta Premium is the most common one I see), but the majority of Canadian Whiskies only include a small amount of rye in their initial grain , far from the 51% U.S. definition.
  7. Coop, this may help one of my favorite things as a child
  8. I don't know about everybody else, but $40 for pineau des charentes? A quick search here in Ontario turned up several varieties for less than $20 canadian. I guess Beans' disclaimer holds true .
  9. Being a university student in Kingston, I don't get out to many restaurants often. When I do (mostly when family visits), we usually end up going to one of two places: Windmills Cafe (68 Princess St.) or Chez Piggy (184 Princess St.) Both have excellent service. I'm not sure if they will fit your needs, but I enjoy them immensely. If you're still unsure, Kingston has a wonderful restaurant directory you can find here good luck edit: spelling
  10. Wow, I was going to flat out contradict Beans on the LCBO not having cachaça (I've got a bottle of it sitting right in front of me, bought last year in Ottawa), but, lo and behold, Beans is right, it's no longer listed in their online catalog. You could try asking one of the LCBO experts in-store if there's any left (they have access to a nifty province-wide database of all the stock in every store). The in-store people have always been very nice to me when I ask about unorthodox products and where I can find them. On the plus side, they often sell delisted products at a discount I can't find my 2003 LCBO price guide, but I am certain that "Pirassununga 51" cachaça was listed last year. (On another note, it looks like the SAQ in Quebec have delisted it as well ) Good luck, Jeff
  11. The only place I've been able to find it is at the SAQ (Quebec liquor stores)
  12. Jack Daniels also has a program for its Single Barrel product: News Tribune article $9000 a barrel, ~240 bottles... that's around US$38 a bottle, pretty darn good by Ontario standards.
  13. Hello all, I was just browsing the SAQ site and came upon a listing for Appleton 250 there are 6 bottles in Montreal and 4 in Quebec City. $400 CAD definitely out of my pricerange, but I can always dream....
  14. It's also available at the other respective provinical liquor stores (ie: SAQ in Quebec) and private stores in Alberta if you're looking into it check out The LCBO or (if you're heading to Quebec) Societé d'alcool du Quebec (click on the "L" in the top banner area if you get sent to the french version) Alberta , with it's semi-privatized liquor system, has the lowest prices and the best selection of rum in Canada
  15. MatthewB, I've recently sent off an email to info.canada@maxxium.com, but have thus far not received a reply. Then again, maybe asking the "worldwide" customer service where the stuff is available might be a better route. I'll give it a shot. Thanks - Jeff O.
  16. Hello, I've been sifting through the net looking for a North American (preferably Canadian) distributor that carries Bols Bitter Orange liqueur. Bols certainly still makes it, since it's featured on Bols' webpage. However, their global distributor, Maxxium, doesn't seem to carry this specific product in Canada or the US. Has anyone else in North America had any luck finding this elusive stuff? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff O. [edited for spelling]
  17. Hello all, First post for me, although I've been lurking around on and off for a while The whole "crazy level of thujone" argument in absinthe is overblown. The only type of absinthe that has significantly elevated levels is the bootleg variety, the "real" La Bleue or the homebrew kits off the internet. Classic (pre-ban) absinthe that has been tested (Original Pernod) show lower levels of thujone than the stuff that's legally produced today under EC guidelines. There are a few operations shipping absinthe to North America, such as Liqueurs de France That's where I plan to order from, when I get around to it Jeff O.
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