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    ?? Cambridge, Ma.
  1. I dined there a few weeks ago. Dinner was wonderful. Friends were staying at the Relais and booked at the time of their reservation.
  2. Thanks Kim, I leave tomorrow so i appreciate your timely answer. Paris is a poem pressed into service as a city
  3. Let me know if you need information. I lived on Newbury Street for years til I moved across the Bridge near MIT.
  4. Legal Seafood at Copley Place, Voile on Newbury Street, Sonsie.. for people watching, Loads of outside sitting on Newbury st Espalier on Boylston Street.
  5. Is it true that these days it is mostly Americans dining there? That you must arrive at 7 to get a table? Will they sit a party of six?
  6. cr.aigie is very good but I prefer the nearby Rendezvous on Mass Ave
  7. definately, both suggestions. Arrows is the more expensive but the view at the other faces the ocean
  8. legal seafood (several locations My favorite restaurant in cambridge is Rendezvous Midi,Hamersly Bistro, Petite Robert, in Boston
  9. http://parisbymouth.com/categories/565/search_type/and/
  10. without a doubt, Chez Fonfon
  11. Thanks DAVID, SMOOCH!
  12. I loved Jaques Genin's chocolate boutique and cafe, now comes along a more ambitious chocolate restaurant/boutique. http://www.ipreferparis.net/2011/02/sweet-week-3-un-dimanche-a-paris.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IPreferParis+%28I+Prefer+Paris%29
  13. here is the Baudy' http://www.giverny.fr/Gardens-of-the-HOTEL-BAUDY.html
  14. There are two places in Giverny that I love. The pricier one is Les Jardins des Giverny. http://www.jardinsdegiverny.com/photos the other is the charming antiente Hotel Baudy. Not a hotel now but it was when the American painters came to be near Monet. I'll find the site and post it.
  15. How sad to refer to handsome efficient waiters as eye candy. The French don't do that. No matter how good looking, if you are not good at the job, you are out!
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