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Mark Sommelier

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Everything posted by Mark Sommelier

  1. Mark Sommelier

    Wine Wars

    The last paragraph of the article is the most telling: "But all these arguments are a smoke screen, testified David Sloane, president of Wine America, a group that represents 700 small wineries scattered across 48 states. "This debate is not really about tax evasion or underage drinking or not about elite geeks. It's all about the money, honey,'' Sloane said. This is America, it has to be about money. The distributors ( the middle tier) are being cut out, of course they aren't happy. Of course, we are talking about some wineries here that are so small they don't have distributors. Are kids really going to order cases of Popov vodka over the internet? It sounds to me like one of those Republican "hot button" issues. An aside: Bork vs. Starr, this is classic.
  2. Only one gem per page? What a stupid idea. A wine list in a top end place should have a big "wow" factor. I love it when I overhear a guy tell his wife "oh look, honey, the Coche-Dury is only $500!". There should be many gems on every page.
  3. I have to admit that it is similar to a stunning dish I had in Paris 2 weeks ago at the Hotel Bristol. That dish was one of the most astonishingly delicious plates I have ever had. Thin sliced squab breast, thin slices of foie gras, root vegetables and incredibly rich squab broth cooked the two meats. I savored every single bite.
  4. tj, I read the review and the following comments on VC ( http://www.vinocellar.com ) tonight about "Citronelle failed to wow". Sorry I don't work 7 days a week.
  5. tj, That's called welcome to Washington. At least at Citronelle, they dress less obviously (right Tom?).
  6. It's not cool to push German wines. I push them. I have an auslese (Bernkasteler Lay, Dr. Thanisch) on my by the glass list right now. It sells very well. I also use it with the menu degustation. People always comment on the delicious reisling they just drank.
  7. This year it actually tasted like wine. The previous several years the wine distinctly smelled like bananas. It is an augur for the 2003 vintage. You heard it here!!
  8. Hmm ... they say there are two people in this world you don't want to anger: the person working on your car, and the person fixing your food. I'm strongly reconsidering coming tonight. I can see myself sitting down at the table. Chef Hartzer comes strolling up, and smacks me on my back so hard that my teeth rattle. "Donnie Rrrrrocks! Welcome back to Shitronelle, my friend. I heard you've been posting on eGullet," he says, grinning like a satanic pirate. "Hi Michael." "I'm going to send a course out to you, compliments of the house. It's an oyster shooter. Ever had it?" "Umm ... yes, once ... a long time ago ..." "I'm going to make it myself ... just for you. I need to head back to the kitchen now, but I'll send it right out." As he starts to walk away, he turns and looks back with a strange red gleam in his eye. "Oh by the way ... are you sure you didn't mean ... Spitronelle? Enjoy your meal, Rocks." Yeah, you get the picture
  9. Mark Sommelier


    I'd drink Hermitage. The Chave still needs more time, go with the Jaboulet. As for the steaks- pan roasting is the preferred method in French restaurants.
  10. As opposed to Shitronelle. Low blow, Rocks. We'll see you tonight. Expect surprises.
  11. Alan, You bet we enjoyed that article. Some of the comments were devastating - Chez Panisse "aging hippies throwing a dinner party".
  12. Isn't this supposed to be "now hear this, now hear this?" (-5) What exactly is a trunip? A Gale Gand root vegetable? (-5) language (-10) language (-10)Nice post Rocks. You get a 70. "A mind is a terrible thing to lose" - Dan Quayle addressing the United Negro College Fund.
  13. This article is online at the Washington Post website. egullet and specific people are quoted extensively: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...0-2003Dec2.html The article is about the furor sparked by his endorsement of BK.
  14. What is one to think when 2 places have 3 stars and are as different as night and day? 2 Amys and Inn at Little Washington? How do they fit into the same classification? Great pizza and Great je ne sais quoi ? Would half stars help? Rocks, step up to the plate.
  15. Try the elegant and impressive Bombay Club.
  16. tj, Ever been a waiter? How many bottles did you and the Crüe bring? Did anyone bring a tire bouchon? Did you ask for fresh glasses for each bottle? Just curious.
  17. John, Only very smart people choose German rieslings. Must be a lot of smart people here.
  18. Shocking that this is Sunday morning and no one but me has seen Tom's new book. Foodies awake!
  19. No, everyone is too afraid to. "Can I have tartar sauce instead of remoulade?" "NO!!"
  20. I brought Eitelsbacher Karhauserhofberg Riesling Kabinett Halbtrocken 2001. Everyone was stunned by beautiful dry German riesling. For dessert: Vin de Paille d'Arbois, Domaine Rolet 1999.
  21. The book is out. Quite a few surprises. 2 Amys and Inn at Little Washington both get 3 stars.
  22. I was told earlier this week that Le Chassagne is owned by several vignerons, including Michel Colin-Deleger and Bernard Morey.
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