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Yes, this is news to me too. I know it was going to be open to the public someday, but didn't realize that it had happened. Why hasn't there been more press on this-are they waiting for the bridge to be finished first?
ATTENTION to all of you near a Le Creuset Outlet store: I received a "2005 Savings Calendar" in the mail from LC this week.It is indeed a cute little calendar w/ a diifferent picture of LC every month. It also contains details about all of the sales for each and every month of the year (attached coupon required.) For instance, January is 1) Celebrate the New Year in Style-20% off any one item of your choice AND 2) the Color of the Month Sale-15% off all black & blue cookware, blue stoneware, and blue accessories. July & December have 35% off coupons! They also included a "create your own set" savings coupon. So, if you didn't get this calender, call your nearest outlet store & ask them to send you one.
Again, to put things into a Californian's perspective: I used to drive through the backroads of Sonoma County every week, past lots of sheep pastures. There were baby lambs all year long; the mothers seemed to successfully have just as many frolicking baby lambs in the middle of our not-too-cold California winters as they did during our foggy, not-too-hot California summers. So, somewhere lambs only survived in the spring, hence the concept of "spring lamb"-but that's not true here. We can get local lamb all year long. Edited to add: Yeah, I did used to feel kinda guilty about eating little baby lamb chops after seeing those cute little lambs running around playing with each other. I justified it by telling myself the farmers weren't raising them as pets.
Russ, you captured my feelings perfectly. [Disclaimer: another old fart talking. I turned 50 a few years ago.] There is a rhythm in life that comes from eating seasonally. It is a continuation of the rhythm that comes from eating turkey on Thanksgiving or latkes during Hanukkah. I might make turkey another time of the year, but I don't serve it the same way-with stuffing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and all of the other traditional side dishes. That's Thanksgiving dinner, and the anticipation is half the fun of it! In the same way, eating strawberry shortcake in January feels "wrong" to me. To me, that's a dessert that should be eaten on one of the first warm spring evenings. It should still be light outside, and the windows should be open. Why? For the slightly illogical reason that that's the way we ate it when I was growing up in central California. My Mom and Grandma may be long gone, but when I'm eating that first strawberry shortcake of the season, they're back at the table with me. It would never occur to me to eat cherries in January either. I think that's one of the differences about living in California. We have local produce in season all twelve months, and our Farmer's Markets are open year-round. Fat Guy's post brought that home to me; his CSA doesn't grow food 12 months of the year. We have enormous stores (the Berkeley Bowl is one famous example) that are primarily produce stores where you can also buy other items. Since I've never lived outside of California, it's hard for me to imagine a life where going to a supermarket or a Costco to purchase fruits and vegetables was your only option in the winter. So, those of us in California are happy to share; please go to the store and buy lots of that underripe and over-priced produce we ship to you. Our state's economy needs you!
No kids-just a crazy job-but one thing that helped me is to lower my expectations: You do not have to have three things on the plate every night. You also do not have to serve a salad and dessert on weeknights. You can still have great food, just make less items for those days you are stressed out, and save the multi-course meals for days off.
It's LOVE, M-L, simple pure unadulterated LOVE! Is that sooooo wrong???!!!???? ← Spoken like a true pusher... Okay, I guess there are worse things to be addicted to...
Rancho Gordo's tortillas are simply the best. Krys, since you are new and I am enjoying reading your posts, I feel I must warn you: stay away from his tortilla chips. Do not even try even one, even if he insists at the Farmer's Market and it hurts his feelings when you try and resist. Just say no. His chips contain large amounts of crack cocaine, and soon you will be hopelessly addicted. The tortillas also must contain some drug, because they are moderately addicting, but not as bad as the fried chips.
Here's a link to a discussion we had last summer: http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=54697 To paraphrase Russ Parsons, this is not someplace you go for great food. It's a slow time up there, so all of the B&B's will have discounted rooms. The coastline is gorgeous up there; I'd suggest going to one of the parks a few miles from town & taking a walk in the redwoods. (We had a lot of rain this week, so a lot of the trails will be pretty muddy.) Also, surrounding the town itself is a blufftop walk and a pretty beach, both accessible from the Main Street of town. None of those wineries are too crowded, and the road they are all along (128) is a pretty drive along a river with redwood trees. A winery that fits your description is Navarro: http://www.navarrowine.com/main.php (You can only buy their wine at the winery.)
Well, I did have squash & kale last night-but it was at Chez Panisse, so I can't say I suffered. I also had some wonderful LOCAL Satsuma tangerines in my lunchbox today.
What is your own personal "signature dish"?
marie-louise replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
My answer is similar. What I would cook for you would depend on both the season and the current weather. With our gorgeous warm winter days, foggy summers, and October heat waves in the Bay Area-that could be just about anything. I might serve you a hot soup or something like chili on a foggy summer night. Then again, I might serve you grilled chicken or fish in January. What I will never serve you are fruits or vegetables that are not in season locally; you should only expect to be served asparagus in the springtime, and you won't be eating melons or peaches at my house unless it is late summer. You'll also only eat crab or salmon when it is season. -
Pho 84 in Oakland, between Harrison & Webster, on 17th St. Huynh is a spinoff-either family members or former employees, I can't remember which. Le Cheval is upscale; Pho 84 is the real thing. (I eat there all the time; I work nearby.)
A pocket door sounds like a great idea, IF you are neat enough to have your pantry in full view. Personally, I took the door off mine completely; it gave me that much more wall space to hang things on. Only you can answer where you fall on the Martha Stewart organizational scale. I think your opinion about using a general contractor is sound. Experience is important, and in general, a good contractor attracts the best subcontractors, whereas someone just starting out can have a hard time lining up the best subs. A cabinet maker with 30 years of experience sounds like someone worth waiting for! Anyway, waiting until spring means you won't care as much about eating BBQ'd food out on your patio.
the French Women's Diet: newest diet craze?
marie-louise replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
In addition to his excellent book, Will Clower also has a website. http://www.fatfallacy.com/TourWL/FirstSteps.html My husband & I did his "Path" last summer. Amazingly, we didn't lose much weight, but we both found it helpful to understand how eating slower-and in courses-helped us to eat less. (Clearly, we need to learn to eat a little less of our wonderful food...) I'm glad to see him getting some publicity, as his book is not the typical quick-fix, restrictive sort of "diet" that Americans love to embrace. Basically, he says only eat full-fat dairy products, eat a little bit of chocolate every day, don't eat "anything that doesn't spoil in a few days"-no preservatives, but mainly, understand when you are satisfied and stop eating at that point. Also, focus on your food when you are eating-don't eat and drive, etc. He's got great ideas-this is as close to an eGullet diet as anything I've seen. -
I do a variation on Rachel's: First step: Let it cool on the stove for an hour with the flame off-but don't let it get below 160. Second step: Using a 1-qt. saucepan as a scoop, I strain it through a colander into big shallow SS bowls (I bought these at a restaurant supply store-it's something you'd toss a big salad in.) That helps cool the stock a little. If I've made a huge pot of stock, I may end up w/ a few bowls. *** Echo Rachel's comments to double bag your garbage can before you start tossing those hot bones into it!!! Third step: (This is where I vary from Rachel): I strain again, pouring the contents of the bowls through a fine mesh strainer into some tall opaque plastic containers I also bought at a restaurant supply store. The stock is now completely strained; all you have to do the next day is scrape the fat off the top. I strain it twice not only to get all of the sediment out, but because I think it's easier to get rid of the big pieces of bones and vegetables before putting the stock into the containers that go into the fridge. Fourth step: After a quick rinse of the stock pot (mine also fits in the DW), I fill my sink w/ ice. (It's a good way of cleaning out all the funky ice cubes from my ice maker.) I put these tall containers of stock in the ice & fill the sink w/ water. Fifth step: Once all the ice is melted and the water isn't very cold, I put the containers into the fridge. I try and put some of those blue ice containers into the fridge as well. Even with all these precautions, I've seen the temp in my fridge get as high as 50 degrees-not good for your milk or whatever other persishables are in there. Last but not least-the next day I scrape off the fat, put the stock in smaller containers, and freeze.
Etiquette Schmetiquette: ever wonder about _____?
marie-louise replied to a topic in Food Traditions & Culture
I occasionally find myself at a business meal with someone high up in my company. At these times I'm eternally grateful that my parents taught me enough manners that I don't have to think about what is correct or not. It's enough to focus on making witty conversation! Otherwise, I agree that as long as you aren't grossing anyone out or rudely hogging all the food, the details are not that important. -
We went to Pearl's once a few weeks after it opened (we also live nearby.) It wasn't bad, but certainly nothing to rave about. The night we were there-relatively early-the place was packed & we had to eat at the bar. The music was so loud I just wanted to eat and leave, but it took forever ot get our food. I also remember paying a lot of money for our meal, although the article makes it sound cheap. I'm such a sucker-after I read that I was thinking I HAVE to try that again. Now I won't rush. I just had lunch today with someone who raved about Va de Vi.
I think the price for organic versus non-organic isn't so different in CA. Plus, a lot of the food sold at our farmer's markets is organic (and at most of the markets, has to be grown by the person selling it) and the food is a bargain there! I'm sorry that I forgot to mention the health of the farm workers. If we care enough about the effects of second-hand smoke on employees to ban smoking on airlines and in restaurants, surely we can care about the health of the people who work in the fields to feed us?
I have no negative associations with it. At all. In fact, I try and choose organic foods whenever possible. California has some of the strictest labeling laws in the country, so if it says organic and it came from California, it isn't just wink-wink-yeah-we-don't-use-too-many-chemicals. I'm not too sure whether there are long-term studies that measure the effects of some of the natibiotics and chemicals found in non-organic foods on me. I'm guessing there probably are some, but personally, I think it's just common sense to avoid putting that kind of stuff in your body. I'm not waiting twenty years for a longitutinal study to come out telling me that a chemical causes cancer before I stop eating it. The most important reason to choose organic for me is because I love this state I live in. I'm a native Californian, have lived here every day of my life, and care very deeply about keeping it the beautiful place that it is today intact for future gererations. To give you one example of what I'm talking about, DDT was once a widely used pesticide. DDT causes thinning of egg shells (I'm not sure what it does to humans, but IIRC-something nasty.) Its use almost wiped out the populations of many of our native birds, because the eggs would get crushed when the mother sat on them. Twenty years or so after it was banned, the brown pelicans started coming back. The first time I saw them, I had to ask someone what they were-I'd lived here all my life and I'd never seen one. Now they are all over the north coast, and they are the most majestic flocks of birds in flight. I can't believe we almost killed them off. There are many, many other examples of what "modern" farming does to the environment-everything you put in the soil runs off into a water source somewhere. Everything you spray in the air affects everything who breathes it. Yes, organic costs more. It costs more to grow food without wide-scale spraying. Organic fertilizers cost more than chemical ones. All I have to do is think of those brown pelicans and I don't mind supporting the farmerswho want to keep California the beautiful place that it is today. As it is, small farmers can barely compete with big agribusiness; you can't expect them to absorb these costs without pasing them on to you. Farmers will only practice sustainable farming if you and I support it by purchasing their products. And if you don't care about the envirnoment, well, as a generalization, organic food tastes better. You must care about eating good food or you wouldn't be reading eGullet.
It still seems weird that it is not showing up on the bill to be signed. It also seems weird that it's not a round number-like a $2.00 service charge. BTW-We've never noticed this, but I must confess we don't check our bills against the receipts like that. We just glance through the charges; if the date and company looks correct, and the charge seems approximately correct, we pay it. Someone could add $10 to each meal and we probably wouldn't notice it. This COULD BE a really good scam. Let us know what you find out-
Maggie, what kind of soups are you thinking about making for those hot summer nights?
I'm curious as well-it is not a phrase I'm familiar with. I assumed you were referring to going on a weight-loss diet when I first read this thread. I'm also curious about why you don't just keep up these habits if you feel better when you are doing them? I can certainly understand wanting to eat better to feel healthier; what I can't understand is the implication that at some point you say, whew, I feel so much better, now I can go back to eating all the stuff that made me feel bad in the first place. Am I completely missing the point?
I think this is also the law in CA.
Here is the link to La Boheme's recipes: http://www.laboheme.com/recipes.html This is a nice French bistro if you find yourself in Carmel-more of a locals' place for a pleasant dinner than a special occasion, touristy place. Their menus are on the website above.
La Boheme has a fixed menu every night, and one night when I was dining there this was the soup. I had a lot of misgivings, but I took one bite and absolutely loved it. And I truly LOATHE carrots if they taste anything at all like carrot. I can imagine that a carrot lover would really appreciate it :-). Marcia. ← Are you referring to La Boheme in Carmel? I ADORE this restaurant, and I think I've had their carrot soup on one of my visits. The waiter/ owner brings the soup to the table in a little copper pot, and balances the lid askew just so... Maggie-Great idea! PS A while back Jessica's Biscuit was selling Peterson's Soup Cookbook for half off. That will keep you off the streets & in the kitchen for a couple of years!
As I sit here drinking coffee (with milk) and a Bloody Mary, eating toast (with butter and jam) and cheese, I think I can safely say no. ← Another no from California. Although I have to say, I do most but not all of what you are referring to as "detox" on a regular basis. I've never smoked, don't eat much red meat, and avoid transfats, foods with preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup at all times. I try to eat organic food whenever it's an option. I only drink one-at most two-glasses of wine and 1 cup of coffee (with half-and-half) a day. I rarely eat dessert. However, try and take away my Acme bread, Strauss butter, Rusticella pasta, and anyone's cheese and I'll start snarling at you!!! As Julia Child used to say-moderation in all things. This is what I can eat year in and year out without feeling deprived.