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    Miami, FL

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  1. If you buy directly from the winery, they will ship it for you. This last trip, we invested in a small suitcase made specifically for wine (including padding) and were able to bring 8 bottles back. If it's not too many bottles, you can also purchase wine bubble sleeves anywhere in the valley and put it in your checked in luggage too.
  2. Danko is ALWAYS a win! My Napa m.o. is always a morning tasting, lunch, a second tasting, rest, and then dinner. I would skip Morimoto. Torc in Downtown Napa is great. For Italian, there's the local favorite Bistro Don Giovanni (I like it, but don't love it). I prefer Bottega in Yountville, not too far away. Other favorites: Press (dinner-Saint Helena) Charter Oak (either-Saint Helena) Bounty Hunter (lunch-Downtown) Bistro Jeanty (either-Yountville) Auberge du Soleil (lunch-Rutherford) Farmstead (lunch-Saint Helena) Enjoy! I was just there last week and miss it already.
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