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Everything posted by jcsaucey

  1. No. I'd say Dale has an amazing opportunity to work with one of the food worlds top players. It is totally on Dale's shoulders not to blow it. I would say DB is being quite generous as he could have just cleaned house and started with a fresh NY chef.
  2. jcsaucey


    Salt sounds like a spin-off of Batali's Bar Jamon in on Irving Place in New York City. We ate there last April, and I will definitely return when I'm back in September. http://www.newyorkmetro.com/listings/restaurant/bar-jamon/ I was unaware that you could take the meat from Salumi across the border. Anyone else been to both? Glad that Vancouver is learning that the best form of a compliment is a spin-off. Bravo. ← Mr. Heather is a big fan of Batali and his father in Seattle (lamb proscuitto). he spent some time in NY and Seattle for inspiration. Nice to see a piece of NY in YCR. Cheers, Stephen Bonner ← I was unaware that you could transport meat from Salumi across the border. ← shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Puh-lease. Thrifty's has been selling polenta for a gazillion years. More importantly, I can remember the fixings for it being readily available in the 70s at North Douglas Delicatessan (the precursor to the Island's powerhouse food supplier, North Douglas Distributors). But thank god we have someone from the Centre of the Universe to teach us about things like polenta! ← HE may not have invented it, but Peter Zambri freakin perfected it baby!!!!!!!
  4. I live in Vancouver and will be in Toronto for two edible nights at the end of June. I have been looking forward to eating at Peregee since it opened. Unfortunately for me, but fortunate for their hard working staff, Peregee is going to be on Summer holidays an closed during my trip. : ( So, where to eat? I have been to Susurs many times, so I do not want to go back there. So help me with this-where is the fresh new, delicious, the ultra talented, the next rising star, the thing I absolutely must eat? Oh, and I am already going to Cava! Help a young cookie out. Cheers!
  5. Diner-actually everything sweet is awesome there
  6. your cooks should go and eat at Perigee.
  7. Ah... but what about the fresh scallop seviche with scallions and citrus zest served on a sesame seed tuille from Le Gavroche? I think that this is exactly what Mr.Kendal is refering to, serving East coast scallops on a cracker out of a box (the chef actually showed me the box) is not the spirit of the event. One chef I shall not name could not tell me where the "organic" beef he was serving came from. only that his supplier found it for him. Come on. It would be great if more farmers and winemakers were represented and the restaurants paired up to feature a dish made from what is produced localy. I feel that Vancouver Island is way more in tune with this idea and it shows in the end. The Van Island FOF kicks Vancouver's ass.
  8. Yes, little "Tommy" who actually looked more like Tammy. I felt this was the piont where ICJ jumped the shark, with the contrived visit ala win one for the Gipper. The whole "secret" ingredient thing is kind of a secret. The competitors get a short list of possibilities, allowing them to have a few different menu ideas. I still mourn the loss of ICJ where unbeleivible technique allways inspired me. Now all we have is Mousaka beating one of the most gifted cooks in the US. Lame-O.
  9. If a chef can charge $100 for 3 coarses I say "you go girl!" Seriously, if you have a problem with the price, it don't order it. Obviously there is a market who will go for it, and we love peeps who will pay big bucks for less food.
  10. You know what, leave the detailed criteria to the professionals like Mr. Maw.The rest of us: Did you enjoy the meal? Did you feel good about shelling out hard earned cash at the end of the night? Did you have a nice time? Really after that it is just case studies in subjectivity which have absolutely no end.
  11. I had a delicious eel w/seared foie and daikon in a dashi broth at Umami on Davie and it was fucking killer. I also enjoy the ubiquious offal wrapped in a spicy cabbage and steamed. The beast is fully cooked and great in broth. The bottom line is that there are many ways to peel a carrot and many ways to cook foie. How one appreciates the textue/flavour is their thing. The real issue is not the appreciation/lack of appreciation for the cooking, but it is dealing with the feeling of being ripped off. At this level of resto/price one should not feel jipped. Foodie-girl, i am wondering if you voiced your lack of gastro pleasure to the managemant at Lumiere. I am sure they would have done more than comping the half bottle. I have eaten some really bad food in good restos. And I tell them. Usually the staff will go the extra mile to turn your experience around.
  12. You know, after killing yourself for ten years and reaching a high level of technical proficency, it can be demoralising for a cook to take a $12.50/hour chef de partie job when the apprentices, dishwashers and coat check girls are hired at just a few dollars an hour less. Cooks look at their career as a profession, but are paid less than proletarian wages. This causes cooks to jump to higher paying positions before they are ready, leaving a gap in the experience pool available for mid-level positions.This leaves the diners in Canada to suffer the consequences(bad food).
  13. I too have been trying to find a great little Italian joint in Van as good as Zambri's in Victoria. Adesso is pretty good. Two meals there were very tasty, and the service was outstanding.
  14. Molson Canadian. How do Canadians stomach this? Is it all about the marketing? The prizes under the cap? I have been trying to understand the appeal for fifteen years-is there some sort of brainwashing enzime in this goat's piss which renders the hapless victim sated? (not to mention incredibly bloated)
  15. I remember when EAT was PIG(pacific island gourmet) I have allways dug this mag for its grass roots-blood sweat and tears approach to actually getting issues published and for showcasing the greatest place to cook on Earth-Vancouver Island. I love the latest issue and feel it is the strongest yet. Keep up the good work. Shelora, did you get to keep the Thermomix?
  16. My wife and I are finally getting our honeymoon after a year and a half! We are attending the Salone del Gusto and traveling around Italy.(then off to Paris) Turin, Rome and Vicenza are our destinations, we are traveling by rail. I am looking for suggestions/advice on restaurants to eat at and hotels to stay in. We are both chefs, have a great budget and are looking for adventure! Cheers
  17. I would second C as my first choise in Vancouver. Modern, sexy food. great sommolier. In Victoria go to Zambris. Organic Italian heaven, great inexpensive wines.
  18. I believe 13 for $130 is food only.
  19. To continue on what Tofino said, we have people passionate and commited to organic, sustainable farming all the way up the coast. I am currently bying organic produce from four farms in the Queen Charlotte Islands. How cool is that? Ice cold! As for service, in Toronto a good server in a high end restaurant can make 50-75 G a year off wage and grats. I don't think there are many restaurants on the west coast that have a steady customer base who consistantly tip well-our market is predominantly tourist based-some tip well, some leave their wallets on the cruise ship. So the few Pro waiters are doing it here more for love than money. And they flock to the few places that can sustain a consistant client base. I have had the pleasure of working with several talented, passionate and comitted servers on the west coast, but they are few and far between. Far to many "massage therapists in training-gotta pay the rent" types who are pretty to look at, but have no real love or skill for what in my oppinion is a noble PROFESSION.
  20. I love this thread! Unfortunately edm's last post was Oct 5 2003. I think he has disapeared. Edm, it is easy to bitch and complain about our scene, but if you do work here you will understand the struggles every cook, chef, waiter and owner face day to day. After you are running a buisy, sucessfull restaurant-with the respect of your peers-perhaps you will post again, with a different story.
  21. He is the fucking General Manager! He should now how, when, why and what every penny in the operation is spent on. This show is terrible, but I am so addicted.
  22. what is the deal with long beach lodge? Any local-yolkals have the skinny?
  23. A co-worker is spending a romantic weekend in Dallas and is interested in a great dining experience. What would be the closest thing to say a Babbo or Craft in Dallas?
  24. What's your problem with Chris MacDonald?
  25. He is TOTALLY Mr. Burns!
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