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Everything posted by slkinsey

  1. Dude, at some point you have to ask: who hasn't ransacked those islands? After all, the Scots don't have to look very far to find people who did bad things to them... the British are right next door.
  2. I was able to try a little bit of both Blackwood's Vintage Dry and Vintage 60 a little while ago. Very interesting spirits, and a little hard to describe. Very good. They certainly have an unusual flavor/aroma profile for gin. The Vintage 60, I thought, had some suggestions of the earthiness of fresh cracked pepper or, as someone else suggested, perhaps grains of paradise (neither of which appears to be a botanical actually used in the spirit). I have no idea how much they're going to retail for in the US, but if they're priced so that mixing with them won't be a ridiculous waste, I could see making some interesting drinks with them. Also had a chance to try No. 209 gin. Eh...? Didn't do it for me. To my palate, it was way too heavy on the citrus notes. In particular, it smelled like it was trying to be a "lime flavored gin" -- which is a problem because too much citrus always produces a certain "artificial seeming" taste. Most orange vodkas, for example, taste like baby aspirin. A lot of new gins seem to want to pump up the citrus and deemphasize the juniper, perhaps aiming for a "G&T gin." I don't get it. I'd take a bottle of Blackwood's over two bottles of No. 209 any day.
  3. Were you never 19? I have--what's the word I want? fond? queasy? sheepish? alarming?--memories of a night spent doing Everclear shots and slam-dancing to the Buzzcocks with a girl with vivid pink hair and tattooos, back when only Marines had tattoos and old ladies from Pensacola had pink hair. Ah, youth. Heh. Oh, I've had any number of drinks of Everclear. I just can't think of why I would drink any of it now. Luckily for me, during my formative drinking years (er... substantially younger than age 19) I was able to sneak booze from the big glass bottles of Fish House Punch my parents aged in the basement for a year to use in their big Xmas party. I can only imagine that the Kinsey children were the only ones in America during those years getting loaded for the first time on Fish House Punch.
  4. Here are the drinks listed in the article: - Bruichladdich's 92% abv whiskey - Absinthe - Hjemmebrent, a high proof (and illegal) Norwegian moonshine - Everclear I'm not sure I agree that any of these are "dangerous" -- although I can't think of any reason I'd drink anything with Everclear in it.
  5. Just a quick moderator's note: I've moved a number of posts from this thread that focused mainly on Andrea Strong and touched on Morimoto only in a vaguely tangential way. These posts now reside in the Bruni and Beyond: NYC Reviewing (2006) thread, which is our thread for "reviewing the reviewer" and other NYC-related review metadiscussion. Let's keep this thread for discussion of Morimoto. Thanks!
  6. Woohoo! Actually, sending it to Pegu isn't a bad idea.
  7. I'll add to this list: Bottled in Bond: American spirits produced according to the Bottled Bond Act of 1894. This is a way to avoid paying excise tax until the spirits are aged and ready for sale; also originally indended to ensure that the spirit was actually what it claimed to be. Bonded spirits are aged no less than four years in a government bonded warehouse and must be bottled at proof (50% abv). Bourbon: Straight Whiskey where the primary grain is corn. Purists would argue that it is only made in Kentucky, although this is not a legal requirement. It is the official distilled spirit of the United States. Canadian Whisky: By law, this is a blended whisky of cereal grains aged no less than three years. Mash: A term used mostly by traditional American distillers. Refers to the fermenting mixture of water, grains, yeast and sometimes hops from which whiskey is made. Rye Whiskey (American): Straight Whiskey made with rye as the primary grain. Rye Whisky (Canadian): Another name for Canadian Whisky, most of which contain little if any rye. Sour Mash: A technique used in the production of many straight whiskeys wherein a portion of the mash is held back and allowed to "sour" then added to the mash on a following day. Straight Whiskey: By law, the grain bill must contain no less than 51% and no more than 79% of the primary grain. It must be distilled to no more than 160 proof (80% abv), aged for at least two years at no more than 125 proof (62.5% abv) in charred new oak barrels, and bottled at no less than 80 proof (40% abv). No neutral grain spirits or any other substances may be added. Tennessee Whiskey: Straight Whiskey where the primary grain is corn, but where the raw distillate is treated with the Lincoln County Process (filtration through ten feet of maple charcoal) before being dumped into barrels for aging.
  8. I have friends who make a pecan "nocino" using the green pecans that grow on their property. See here for a thread on making nocino.
  9. Like Gary, I think it's possible to talk about things one doesn't like or that could be improved in a positive way. For me, there are two pet peeves I have when it comes to bartenders, and I guess they both come down to attitude: 1. When the bartender won't listen to me or condescends to me. I am reminded of an experience I had in a very good and no-I-won't-name-it NYC bar: It was a slow night. I was in the mood for a Sidecar and told the bartender I liked them at around 2:1:1, which formula I had been drinking at the time under the influence of Dave Wondrich. The bartender said something to the effect of "I've been making Sidecars for 20 years, and I know how to make a Sidecar." He proceeded to make me a 2:2:1 Sidecar, saying "this is how we make them here." And, here's the thing: The Sidecar sucked. Now I've had Sidecars in many different formulations (3:2:1, 2:2:1, 2:1:1, 1:1:1), and liked them all. I don't even mind the suggestion that I might like a drink a different way. So that wasn't it. It was more that his attitude was equally reflected in his response to my request and his care in making the drink (which in this case was watered). But even if it had been great, my mood was broken. 2. If it's clear that the bartender really doesn't want to be there. This cuts in a lot of directions. If you're a hardcore classic mixologist and disdainful of the beer-and-a-shot crowd, then don't work in a beer-and-a-shot bar. If you don't have any enthusiasm for complex cocktails that take attention and care to craft, then don't work in a specialty cocktail bar.
  10. Gary, we've got a pretty extensive thread here about nocino that you may find of interest. As I'm sure you know, nocino is a digestive/liqueur that many Italians make at home. Do you find it particularly outstanding among other examples of nocino? I have some Italian friends who now live in Houston and make a pecan "nocino" using green pecans instead of green walnuts (because the former grows in Houston while the latter does not). I wonder about using nocino (in very small amounts, because the flavor is so strong) with lemon juice and gin...
  11. The only real advantages a soda siphon has over bottled in terms of straight carbonated water are 1) you can use only a few ounces at a time without losing the carbonation, and 2) a soda siphon dispenses charged water in a strong concentrated jet, which is a significant advantage over pouring from a bottle when it comes to making a Fizz. I've had good results decanting bottled seltzer into a soda siphon and then adding an additional charger.
  12. If I may be so bold as to suggest: Double smoked bacon on bacon bread with bacon dressing?
  13. Good stuff, Ken. Although there are differences in things like cooked versus raw grain and the use of "false Autumn" lighting, much of what you have said, and all the important particulars, agree with that I have heard from visitors to Hudson Valley Foie Gras.
  14. Sometimes, of course, you go in to a bar because you don't want to feel better.
  15. Well said, phlip. I certainly haven't noticed that jiggers hold back any of the bartenders I know who use them in terms of speed. In general, especially if one is doing a drink with a bunch of 1/2 and 1/4 ounce measures (say, Audrey's Tantris Sidecar) I have to say that I don't believe bartenders can mix that drink with precision and consistency while free pouring -- especially under pressure. It's one thing to free pour an Aviation or something like that. As Gary said it allows you to adjust for individual tastes, and it's not going to screw up the drink if it ends up being 2/3 ounce of maraschino instead of 1/2. But, if you make a Tantris Sidecar with a either a scant dash or a 1/2 ounce of green Chartreuse instead of 1/4 ounce, you've completely screwed up the balance of the drink and it won't be right. I'm not a professional, so I like to use the Oxo cups at home. It's just easier to do everything using that one measuring device instead of doing a lot of switching. But I can see how using a metal jigger would be a lot easier and speedier in a professional situation, and if I ever went behind the bar I'd make a point of switching to that. Since that's never going to happen, I stick with the Oxo.
  16. I think the specific skill set will vary widely depending on the bar and the clientele. But I think job #1 is to have the customer satisfied. This may mean having a highly skilled mixologist create an evening's series of cocktails around rye whiskey for me, or it may mean having the hot female bartender barely wearing a t-shirt 4 sizes too small and who can hardly do more than serve beer and pour shots taking the time to flirt with me a little bit. Different bars, different jobs. But either way, I'm likely to leave happy. And there are, of course, a thousand or more different styles in between those two. Actually... some combination of those two styles is sounding pretty good. All that said, I suppose there is some responsibility incumbent upon the customer to pick the right kind of bar and bartender. It's unlikely that a "beer and shots babe" is going to be able to satisfy a customer who has walked into the wrong bar and really wants a Corpse Reviver #2.
  17. I second the opinions on sambal and other Asian hot sauces. For a Western hot sauce, I think tops for general purpose is Red Devil. It's a cayenne and vinegar hot sauce. I think it has more intensity and roundness of flavor per unit of heat than most other hot sauces (I've always found Tabasco a little whimpy on flavor compared to the amount of heat it brings to the table.)
  18. I'm not sure I agree with that, Richard. The use of copper in All-Clad's Cop-R-Chef line is cosmetic. It is nothing more than a thin outer layer of copper on a cooking vessel in which the real thermal material in the core is aluminum. All-Clad's Copper Core line, on the other hand, has just that: a thermal core of copper instead of aluminum. Now, we don't know how much copper is in the core, and without that data it's hard to make any assumptions about it's thermal performance versus All-Clad's other lines. My best guess is that the core is somewhat less than 2 mm of copper. If price were no object and I had my heart set on All-Clad, I'd probably go with Copper Core over Stainless, but still might choose MC2 over either one. But, with money being a factor, I can't see spending 60% more for Copper Core versus MC2.
  19. For roasting vegetables, I'd think one would be better off using a bunch of heavy duty sheet pans like this. That way you can spread out the vegetables in a single layer, and can roast a lot of vegetables in single layers by using several sheet pans simultaneously on different racks.
  20. For deep discounted All-Clad "seconds" as well as good deals on Emerilware, Scanpan, Wüsthof-Trident, and other name brands, the go-to place is Cookware & More.
  21. You could catch the M116 across to Patsy's on First Avenue. That's the closest edible pizza to Columbia. Also near Columbia is Max's SoHa. A "red sauce" Italian-American place. Regional is pretty good Italian down on 98th Street, as is Gennaro in the same general area (I think Regional is better than Gennaro). Anywhere else worth going in the pizza or Italian category, like the excellent Celeste or 'Cesca or that sort of thing, will be further away from Columbia than the aforementioned Patsy's over in East Harlem. For whatever it's worth, Columbia really isn't in the "Upper West Side" per se, which ends at 110th Street. So most anything UWS will be somewhat significantly South of there.
  22. I haven't tried Compass Box's Orangerie, but it sounds very interesting. It's too bad it's so expensive (around $35 for 375 ml) because it could make a very cool alternative to triple sec/orange curacao in cocktails.
  23. Speaking of grain whisky, Compass Box makes an absolutely amazing blend called "Hedonism" that is nothing but grain whisky. No malt whisky at all! Definitely worth a try.
  24. No, there is every reason to expect that bringing an All-Clad pan up to 700 C (we're talking about 1292 F here folks!) will melt the aluminum core. The relatively tiny amount of stainless simply does not have enough relative thermal capacity to act as a heat sink in this situation, and since it is also at the same temperature as the aluminum when subjected to the heat of the flame there can be no heat sink effect anyway. Carolyn, I'm also not sure I understand your jewelry making example either. As I understand it, reticulating silver is a silver/copper alloy with a high percentage of copper. Is this what you mean by "copper bonded to the sterling." Because I am not sure I'd describe this as a "bonding" situation so much as I would say that the reticulating silver is an alloy that contains a higher percentage of copper compared to sterling silver alloy (20% compared to < 7.5%). For sure this will change the melting point of the alloy, but it's not an analogous situation. To make it an analogous situation, are you suggesting that coating a thick piece of sterling silver with a thin layer of reticulating silver would make the melting temperature of the thick piece of sterling meaningfully different? I don't think that makes sense physics-wise. Also, for whatever it's worth, although All-Clad says their pans have a "pure aluminum core" I have to wonder whether that really means "pure elemental aluminum." There are things made with "pure silver" that nevertheless are not 100% Ag. I have reason to believe (because there are are specific alloys containing All-Clad's name, for one) that All-Clad uses a core of 3000 series aluminum alloy, which is around 97% - 99% Al.
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