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  1. No it was the 4th out of 6 I believe, but I get some shiny ones in the same mould as well as dull.
  2. Hi Everyone, Hope you are well. I'm a self taught chocolatier and I have run out of books so have come online in the hope that I can learn some new things. I make moulded chocolates in semi sphere moulds and that's pretty much my style, for now anyway. However I'm so fed up of getting inconsistent results so I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who can help me? My main problem is sometimes my chocolates are shiny and sometimes not and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have attached a picture of today's chocolates. Some shiny, some not even though they were made together. Can anyone help? I have a few other questions too. Like, if you are tempering with mycryo, is there a limit on how often you can temper that same batch with mycryo? Also, if say I am using tempered chocolate and I scrape some excess off that has started to harden and has gone below the working temperature, will it affect my tempered chocolate if I add it to it? Thanks
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