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    Seattle, WA

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  1. Thanks for the tips!! So far the biggest challenge has been eliminating eggs from the breakfast routine while still getting protein in the morning! I'm trying a new shake with Pea Powder Protein with fruits/cacao that is delicious and tides my hunger until lunch. Tonight I'm going to attempt Cauliflower Rice and tomorrow Split Pea Soup! Also Deryn I love Asian foods as well and recently discovered "Coconut Aminos" as an alternative to Soy-Sauce Seasoning. It's sweet instead of salty but I've been loving it! Thank you both again so much!!! Looking forward to posting my findings and discovering other's as well
  2. Hi Everyone, I was so excited to find this forum and am looking forward to exchanging recipe's and ideas for myself and others with food allergies/food sensitivities. This is new for me so it's going to be a huge challenge to eliminate these foods from my diet. I'm just starting to explore the world of home-cooking and love it so far. IgE Allergies: Almonds, Barley, Black Pepper/Paprika, Carrots, Garlic, Hazelnut, Lettuce, Oats, Oranges, Peanuts, White Potatoes, Rice, Rye, Scallops, Sesame Seeds, Soybeans, Tomatoes, Wheat, White/Navy Beans. IgG Allergies: Eggs (Duck & Chicken), Egg Yolks, Dairy (Cow Only), Almonds Other foods I'm known to react to: Pistachios, Garbanzo Thanks, Amanda/Melpy
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