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Everything posted by cheekycook

  1. Well E-Gulletters, I had the opportunity to go to dinner at "Les Chèvres" on Saturday. I was already looking forward to seeing my best friend Food Dwarf because I haven't seen her in a while and she hadn't called me , yeah yeah I know you're busy but so am I , but I was really excited to find out what all the buzz was about. Anyway, I'm going to try and keep this short, if anybody has any questions just post a query here or email me I'll be happy to respond. Firstly, I was blown away with what they've done with the place!!!! Super cool design, way to go !!! I fell in love with the little goats in the window, they're sooo kiout!!! Secondly, there carry my beer, literally!!!! Thirdly, the food was amazing, all my expectations were surpassed as well as were the ones of my dining companions. Fourthly, very cool & personable sommelier, took our budget and taste to heart and recommended an amazing bottle of wine!! *** THIS BY FAR HAS BEEN THE BEST DINING EXPERIENCE I'VE HAD IN A VERY LONG TIME!!! *** IN THE SPACE OF ONE EVENING THIS HAS NOW BECOME MY FAVORITE SPOT, I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK!!! (I'm sure I'm not the only one either...) A BIG CONGRATS TO STELIO & PATRICE, THANK YOU FOR A MEMORABLE EVENING, IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE PLEASURE MEETING BOTH OF YOU!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO COME BACK AND SEE YOU!! WHOEVER DOESN'T BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT MUST GO TO "LES CHEVRES"!!! SENDING YOU BEST WISHES, BIG HUGS & MUCH SUCCESS!! PS: thanks in advance for looking after Food Dwarf!
  2. I honestly have no idea what it's going to be, I think everyone is speculating at this point, but it's interesting to see everyone's take on it... One can only wait and see...
  3. I have a feeling it will be something with some "South American" flava... One can only wonder...
  4. Yes Lesley, I agree with you there. He is a genuine individual who takes tremendous pride in what he does. He even took time out of his busy schedule to meet me, a non-paying customer. Now, would a sell-out do that? I don't think so To find out more about Morimoto as a chef and his restaurant check out this link: http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?act=ST...666&hl=morimoto One should really have all the facts before being so critical and berating someone like that. You can't really judge someone of that caliber without having been to their restaurant. What was Mr. Beauchemin expecting? A seat on the Iron Chef tasting panel? Plus, was Mr. Beauchemin expecting Morimoto to cook everything himself? The man's good but there's no way he could be everywhere at once. Some people I know went and said they thouroughly enjoyed the entire experience and are looking forward to visiting his restaurant in Philly in the near future.
  5. Marlene, I really like your Hamster icon, he's sooo kiout!!!!!
  6. Sorry Marlene, You're a year behind Year of the horse was last year. This Year is year of the Ram or Goat depending where you're from in China.
  7. Thanks Gordon for the great pics. I was so happy I got to meet him PS: since you're new, let me warn you: this board is addictive !!!! Cat
  8. Hey Joe, Cool effect, I'll have to mention it to my brother, he's into digital imaging but I don't recall him ever trying that one! I think he'll get a kick out of it.
  10. Hey Awbrig, Thanks a million for the link!!! Can't wait to go to Philly!!!
  11. Hey RiboflavinJoe, Just out of curiosity, what's with the picture??? It makes me think of Joe Schwarcz bungee jumping...
  12. Hey, Dave! Great Lunch today @ Rosalie! BUt I'll be sure to pass by on a Monday night like you said, if You're cookin! I went down to Soto on Sunday cuz I wanted to meet Morimoto,which I got to do thanks to Lesley's advice, what a great guy!! Got a picture, an autograph plus they offered me a table on the spot! I practically fainted, too bad I was already resolved into "not being able to get a table", the money I would have spent there is in my summer vacation fund to Philly! So it does pay to go down in person and bat a few eyelashes!! If you want to know more about the sake he brought, I believe you may find some info on his restaurant website not to mention his extensive menus. check out: morimotorestaurant.com You can also link from that website to the other great Stephen Starr restaurants. Happy surfing!!
  13. Hey Dave, If all goes well, I will try and pass by sometime on Monday, I shall call to see if you're there... I've already spoken to I believe your Maitre D: Denis? a couple of weeks ago, Very nice. I wish everyone who answered the phone in this biz was so helpful and nice. Plus, it will depend on my budget too, I'm still strying to get into Soto's for the Morimoto Event tomorrow... We'll see how that goes... God knows, Soto could definitely use someone like Denis, Christ, the person I got was more frigid than an eskimo's icebox. Rude people put me in such a foul mood
  14. Fandango Is #1 in this category, they are in a class of their own. Stay away from Manana, the food is terrible. I had the misfortune eating there once and ordering a "Taco de Res", it was a combination of overcooked Campbells Chunky Beef meets Alpo Dog Food. YUUUCKKK If you are looking for good Mexican Fast Food in Montreal ( and no it's not Taco Bell) check out Taqueria Mexicana on St-Laurent corner Marie-Anne. If I can't eat at Fandango and crave Mexican, I'll eat there hands down before I go to any other "Wannabe Mexican " dives. Trust me, there is no shortage of those in Montreal
  15. Hey Dave! My bosses told me I have to come check out your new digs!! Looking forward to it Now, I just gotta find some time off... We all know how easy it is to get in this business
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