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Everything posted by cheekycook

  1. By the way, Reverendtmac, I noticed your from PEI, it's official, my boyfriend and I are relocating once he gets out, we'll be stationned in New Brunswick, I'll be opening a restaurant for sure. Drop by and seen me when you'll have time.
  2. Thanks everyone for your posts , I'll shall leave feedback of where I went when I get back. My boyfriend and I can't thank you enough. You guys are great!
  3. Thank you both for your great input! It is very much appreciated!!! I'll be heading to Regina at the end of October for my boyfriend's graduation, sheesh, six months is a long time to be apart!!! I can't wait to see him and get to sample the food at some of the places you mentioned. Let's hope I won't have to resort to eating "depot food" during my short stay, that would really suck... What is it exactly that you do Merlin? Are you involved in any way with the RCMP? Thanks a bunch for all your help. Keep your eyes peeled for my posting once I get back. Once all this is said and done, were being re-located to New Brunswick where I'm planning on opening a small place. thanks again!!!
  4. Hi! I'm a chef in Montreal, my boyfriend made the RCMP and has been stationed in Regina since May. He's in search of good local restaurants where he can get good food in comparison to the generic caf food he's stuck eating everyday. There has to be some good Mom & Pop places worth checking out? Any input would be greatly appreciated
  5. Thanks so much for all the info! I shall keep you posted!
  6. Used to go to Nonya a lot back in the day when they were on St-Laurent, never got around to going there when they were on Ste-Cat though, heard they're relocating to Bernard. If so, anyone got news? thanx
  7. Gus-tatory, Have you been there recently? I was there in March, and had a great time... Both the food and brews were good. But I haven't been there recently, has anything changed??
  8. It's nice of you to come to Zach's defense Carswell, I'm sure it will be appreciated. But in all sincerity, everything I wrote was true. People have bad days but it's no reason to take it out on customers. I've worked with the public for the past 15 years, during which I had to bend over ass-backwards to give clients exceptionnal service; so needless to say, when I'm the customer and something's amiss, I bitch, which I have every right to do. I didn't realize that speaking one's mind now consists of having a so-called "chip" on "one's shoulder". But if that's the case, so be it! I'll carry it with pride! And in case you didn't notice, I did say "You can't please everyone all of the time."
  9. I know how you feel, salomon, it's good you're speaking up, how are the issues supposed to be addressed if no one says anything? Welcoming Reservations/atmosphere are crucial.
  10. Maybe "dick" was too harsh a word. Besides, if that offended you I must say you are way too sensitive. Get over it. You can't please everyone all of the time. Don't be such a baby. If you want specifics, when we called for the reservation, you, Zach, made us feel like it was a big "Pain in the ass" to accomodate us, it was almost as if we were disturbing you. As if taking a reservation was such a ploddingly pedantic chore. So, yes, I refer to "all of the above" as "dick". It wasn't meant maliciously, just simply, matter of fact. Maybe we just got you on a bad day when we called (which is no excuse when dealing with the public) or were just not on "chummy" enough terms with you like I guess "eat2much" is. Whatever the reason, no one's perfect, how are you supposed to improve if no one says anything? Consider it constructive criticism.
  11. It's the best restaurant in town when you can get a table and they're not dicking you around when you're trying to make your reservation... Plus, the last time I went, the lag between courses was interminably long. Which is hard to understand giving how we were the last table in/to order. Not to mention that their menu is so streamlined and hadn't changed in almost a year, they should've had their stuff down pat. Service should have been smooth with no "interminable" lags. I went with some really close friends of mine and when you start experiencing really uncomfortable silences because you ran out of stuff to talk about & everyone is wondering where their food is - it's not good. The saving grace was: the food was really good. However, I was so starved by the time I got my main - that I wished there was more on it that just 1 quail. 1 1/2 maybe or 1 stuffed. I felt a little cheated - and I'm not a big eater. Thank god I wasn't a 300lb guy and for the chocolate cake I had at home in the fridge. Their new menu looks promising... I would very much like to go and try it; Assuming making the reservation will not prove to be another fastidious ordeal and that I won't have time to fully digest my appetizer before my main arrives. Regardless, I still think what they're doing is great, plus I like what they've done with the place.
  12. Seems the menu has finally changed! Hallelujah! Too bad it's taken them this long to do so... I wouldhave been back sooner if that had been the case! As for the panna cotta, I found it less than stellar. The "milk flan" if I can go as far as to call it that, was too sweet and there was too much of it versus the other appealing components of it ie: basil syrup and passion fruit, though texture-wise it was flawless. Plus I really didn't like that cookie swizzle stick it was served with, it was too dry and tasteless. The other desserts were awesome though! Take care Batman, enjoy your dinner and say "Hi" to the Green Lantern for me! Cheers!
  13. Fous Desserts is located on Laurier @ the corner of St-Hubert (right next to the restaurant "La Gaudriole")... I prefer them hands down to say "La Gascogne" or "Patisserie Belge" or any of those overpriced french pastry shoppes. Franck's desserts are just as good if not better for a lot less $. Service is great and when ordering a "Buche de Noel" they're made fresh and to your specifications (if you have any) and as an added bonus you're not treated like cattle when you pick it up: you dont' have to wait in some unheated trailer at the back of the lot in 40 below weather until they call your number.
  14. Patrice Demers of "Les Chèvres" and Bertrand Bazin from 357 C, those two are ELITE!!!!!! No one in the city even comes close... Sorry & as for strictly pastry as in shoppe, Franck Dury Pavet of "Fous Desserts"'s awesome!!
  15. Thanks to everyone for giving me great tips on where to go. I had an amazing time, everything is still the same, just as I remember it. Holly, The Green Heron Ruled!!!, we were there every morning!!! I really miss their breakfasts and hospitality (Mr. Kusuma a big hello to you and your son, thanks for everything!!). Holly, thanks for the mention on that coffe house near the candy store. For all the gourmets out there, you have to have the sandwiches from "Market Day" on route 35, amazing!! Plus they have a great selection of fine foods, microbrews, wines and coffee. As for lobster rolls "Nunan's" still came out on top!!! (sorry, we went to the Cape Porpoise Lobster co. and they can't touch Nunan's with a barge pole). They are also celebrating their 50th year!! Congrats!! Kennebunkport is still my favorite vacation place in the whole world!! I'm already planning next year's trip. I just wish it hadn't taken me this long to go back...
  16. Please keep in mind that 1 (ONE) Krispy Kreme Doughnut has the same amount of calories as 1 (ONE) BIG-MAC, and let me tell you, they're a hell of a lot less filling... Food for Thought...
  17. Is Nunan's in Cape Porpoise still there after all these years and is it still just as good? because everyone seems to be talking about "the Cape Porpoise Lobster Company". My dad took my mom on a date to Nunan's back in 1964, she took one look at the place and said "no way I'm eating there!", she couldn't understand how people could want to eat in such a seedy little shack. Needless to say my mom finally caved due to hunger and fell head-over heals in love not only with my dad but with the place too. My dad was vindicated & the rest is history...
  18. Thank you everyone for all the great info!!! I can't wait to rediscover my childhood nostalgia! Thanks Nerissa for the tip on Prebbles & the market, I'm certain that will come in handy And I will definitely be checking out that book, thanks Steve!
  19. I've spent the best family vacations in Maine, but the last time I was there was 15 years ago, I must have been 12 then. Now, I'm 27 and a chef in Montreal and am looking for happiness which is: good places to eat. We've always stayed in the Kennebunk area because God knows we could never pass up the lobster rolls at Nunan's and let's not forget their blueberry pie, I can't wait to go back!! But if anyone has suggestions for cool little places that are off-the -beaten-path where the locals like to go, please let me know. The suggestions can be anywhere from Portland (I've heard Commissary is s'posed to be good, is that true?) to say, York. Breakfast spots, lunch & dinner, fire away and give me your honest opinions!!! Thanks in advance!
  20. Why should you wait before going??? I pass it all the time on my way to and from work, however the place never looks busy... However, you can actually see in if you walk on the opposite side of the street, it looks nice... But, no, I've never gone in... It's very inconspicuous contributing I'm sure to its lack of business... If I hadn't seen this thread, it never would have dawned on me what it was.
  21. Food Dwarf, Thanks for the news flash!!! Are you that bored at lunch or are you sucking up for a raise?? hahaha!!!!... Just buggin!!
  22. So far The best pizza I've had was at a restaurant called "Carole's" on rue Principale in Lachute. Other than that, I would try Coronet Pizzeria on Poirier street in St-Laurent, they've been making pizza since 1962 so I think they know what they're doing. However, there are so many restaurants making different types of pizzas that it really depends on what you're looking for in a pizza. I'm not a big fan of those thin crust jobs, they're like air, I could eat an entire small pizza to myself and still be hungry 15 minutes later...
  23. Is it William??
  24. Hey Chazzy! When did you go exactly?? I had a different pre-dessert than you did; I had an émincé of carrot & mango brunoise topped with a mouthwatering quenelle of mango sorbet. Yum I wonder if it changes daily ? The possibilities are endless, how exciting...
  25. Too bad Chazzy, Guess it wasn't your night. Maybe you should have had some wine!! Kudos to Patrice & Stelio considering the place has been open less than a week!!! The tasting menu consists of 8 services, and costs $60, it's really 10 courses if you count the Amuse & Mignardises. Dessert wise it's 2 plus Mignardises. I'm guessing a pre-dessert, dessert & mignardises.
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