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  1. OK, so what's the most you'd pay for it? I can currently see it online for $230, tax and shipping included.
  2. Thank you! That's really helpful. I think the cabinet placement issue might prevent this from being an option, sadly. Maybe if I can rearrange my wire-shelf open air pantry and put it on there.... I love the look of most of the food on this thread!
  3. I'm in the market for a new toaster oven. I'm trying to decide between this, the Breville Smart Oven, and the Cuisinart TOB-260. Would this make for a good toaster oven for regular use, or would you consider it a completely separate applicance?
  4. termite


    I grew up in an Eastern European household (at least as far as the cooking tradition goes), and ate lungs on pretty regular basis. I remember finding them delicious as a kid. Yep, I was that weird kid So, gurus of SV Mecca, tell me how to recreate such deliciousness in my rather modern kitchen! And thanks for the welcome!
  5. termite


    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums (though I've been lurking for ages). I have a recipe to share, and a question to ask. Last night, I finished the sous vide stage of Serious Eats's tacos de lengua. I'm going to make the sauce for them closely following the recipe in 'Odd Bits' by Jennifer Mclagan, but I had a bite or two already. It's incredibly delicious, and the cooking liquid is just fabulous. Also, the skin came off very easily in two big pieces only minutes after removing it from the bath. Thought I'd share! Question: has anyone got any advice on cooking lungs sous vide? It's really hard to find references to anything of the sort, as lungs aren't legal for sale in the US for human consumption. I figured if anyone had any ideas, it would be here. Care to help?
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