Hi Judy,
Any particular reason for the 210 and not the 215?
The 215 is about $100 more in the US, and has a rotary oil pump rather than the dry piston pump of the 210. This should provide for better vacuum as well as overall longevity of the device.
The VP210C does seem like a capable device, but with the upgrade being only $100 more (in the US, at the time of this posting), is there a reason to shy away from the upgrade? Or is your recommendation based on the generally more available (and directly from Amazon, which is a plus) 210?
From the Vacmaster site (http://vacmaster.aryvacmaster.com/cgi/ary.wsc/product.htm?p-item-num=VP215C#tabtop):
"While the VP210 and the VP215 look very similar in design and specifications, the primary difference in the two machines is the vacuum pump. The VP210 features a maintenance-free, 2-cylinder piston pump. The VP215 uses a powerful, 1/4 HP rotary oil pump. While the VP215 is more efficient and runs more smoothly and quietly, it requires oil changes approximately 2 times a year depending on use. The VP210 does not require regular maintenance."
So for 100 bucks, you get a more powerful and longer lasting pump, but with the burden of a bit of maintenance.