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Cap'n Crunch

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Everything posted by Cap'n Crunch

  1. What is the topic again?
  2. Down at Darby's Pub on 4th and MacDonald, Alex Rotherham is cranking out some nice food.
  3. Congrats to all the winners. Nice to see some good representation from some great Vancouver restaurants This had come along same time as the Where Magazine awards. They had also given a nod to Boneta, which was well deserved, however, last year they won runner-up in the same category.
  4. Fuel Restaurant has wi-fi and it is great to sit at the bar with my lap-top and work. Just ask the guys the password once and you are set up thereafter.
  5. why are you drinking Sauternes out of a Grappa glass?
  6. 'Ms. Percher'. A small woman who perchs on the edge of her seat with her purse behind her on the chair. Her chair sticks out further than the two linebackers at the next table. Given the normal amount of space between tables, this is now impossible to get by. 'Mr. Helpful'. As you are clearing a table, (there is only one way to clear and stack properly this expensive china) he will hand you his plate. Now with this extra in my hand, I will have to come back to grab the last few things. 'Mr. Impatient'. As you are clearing the table, he asks that you bring over dessert menus(what and bring up my check average, who would do such a thing?). 'Mr. Promises'. He makes sure to inform you that they are very good tippers and we should take very god care of them(they never are.) 'Ms. Oblivious'. I am standing at your table with hot plates, you have moved your breadplate, coffee cup, whatever, directly in front of you. When you finally look up at me uncertain why I haven't put your plate down. (Make some frickin room for me, lady!!)
  7. Fuel Restaurant has 2 prix fix lunches. A $25.00 one that has brodo soup, then braised lamb shoulder sandwich , then a vanilla rice pudding with lemon sorbet. Also a $35.00 that has morel mushroom risotto with shredded duck confit, then crispy rainbow trout, then a chocolate brownie with cocoa cardamom soup and vanilla ice cream. MMMMmmmmmm!!!
  8. All I am saying is to the Licensee to be careful... Liqour Control & Licensing Regulation: Consumption of liquor in licensed establishments 42 (1) A person must not consume liquor in a licensed establishment unless that liquor has been purchased from or served by the licensee of that licensed establishment. (2) A licensee must not allow consumption in the licensed establishment of liquor that was not purchased from or served by the licensee. http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/reg/L/Liqu...2.htm#section42
  9. I am constantly amazed by the number of people wanting to bring their own wine into a restaurant. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW.
  10. Word on the street is The Shore Club will be doing a trial run this coming weekend.
  11. did you see that open table calls it DineOut. hmm...
  12. I was recently in Alberta and there is town between Edmonton and the Saskatchewan border called Mundare. Schkininsky's is the place. Multi world champion award-winning kolbasa, farmer sausage and beef jerky. Had I known how good the beef jerky was, I would have surely emptied my wallet to purchase as much as possible. All we have left is strictly rationed and no longer offered to guests.
  13. Adesso has changed hands?? Is this rumour true??
  14. Add C restaurant to your list. View, downtown, quality and relatively quiet.
  15. i've enjoyed the juggling of floorplans. at 3 o'clock, i was told.. "the wineroom is now a 6 top at the 715 turn" i moved a a 2 person no-show 6 top to a 4 top, moved wineroom there, split the wineroom into 3 tables, moved two 4 tops and a walk-in deuce in there, used two 4 tops to accommodate last minute call for 10 people at 7pm. ..it was like one of those miracles of dineout the game is afoot, best of dineout to all.
  16. this time of year, all restaurants get people asking for the 3 course deal just about all do a 3 course
  17. Some restaurants are dealing with absolute maximum capacity. It isn't as easy as 'dragging another chair over' to accomodate change in group size. There are usually only so many spots able to handle a larger group. A small change from 4 to 5 people means a different table altogether. Also booking for 5, then showing up with 4 is an inconvenience for that other group that needed a big table, but could not get it because the large table was already booked. Trying to change a reservation to become bigger is almost impossible during dineout, but it can be equally frustrating for the restaurant trying to maximize bums in seats, when the group shows up with less than promised.
  18. blue water? cin cin? west?
  19. (hack and slash editing) normally restaurants get a crunch around 8-830, it can get dicey. how long should a fourtop be given? i would hope the seasoned diner would be aware of the crunch. 'tis the beginning of the season please, lets all pitch in and make it a smooth one. =)
  20. I used to love that place with the kolbasa! Then I married an expert perogy maker. "Hey anyone know anything about "Waves" coffee on Main and 10th? I saw the paper sign a few weeks ago." Now THAT is a sweeeet location. I hope they do a good job.
  21. Let's not forget C. The wine attic seats up to 14 people.
  22. It was nice to see that Bekkman's Berries was still selling strawberrries and raspberries at the Nat market. We have been buying baskets every week, Incredible! The quality has been consistent all season, as well as the bluberries earlier on. He said he may be back for one more week.
  23. Gyoza King - although they do run out of items in the last few hours. the Bins - usually more drinking than eating, always see an old face or two Nu - good combo of food and drink, everyone is checking them out lately Wild Rice - very comfortable and quick eats
  24. Do you suggest a bathroom attendant wiping up after every customer?
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