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Steve DiGioia

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  1. mskerr, Your questions are very valid but their answers may not be as needed as you think. Yes, there are certain industry standard ways to approach a table, serve a beverage, clear a plate, etc. but what is more important for most restaurant customers is the overall dining experience. You, as a server, can't control the restaurant's furniture, background music, ambiance or even the promptness of food coming out of the kitchen, etc. BUT you can control most everything else once the guests are seated at your table. Treat your guests as if they were a guest in your home, greet them with a warm sincere smile, as you would treat a family member. Use your observations wisely and dote on them as needed, but never be overbarring. Your manager/owner will require you to set the table a certain way, to spend time upselling for a higher check average, that is understandable, but do all you can to ensure that YOU are one of the main reasons why the guest will return. This is what I mean about the guest or dining experience. It's how the server makes you feel. After many years in this business managing a la carte and banquet staff, I hire for attitude and customer service mindset. I can teach all the rest in short order. Good luck to you. stevedigioia.blogspot.com
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