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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. There are several stories in the New York Times. Go to NYTimes.com. Here are a couple of quotes from one story that do not make me optomistic that this will quickly fade away as a real issue, as opposed to an emotional over-reaction issue, or an international payback issue.

    Feed plants are inspected by the F.D.A., not the Department of Agriculture. In 2001, the F.D.A. was so short of inspectors that nearly a third of the country's 10,000 feed plants were not inspected
    Mr. Stauber said an F.D.A. memorandum in 1997 predicted that if a single case of encephalopathy was found in the United States and a total ban on all feeding of animal protein to animals was immediately enacted, it was still possible that as many as 299,000 infected cows would be found over the next 11 years.

    It appears people may well have reason to be concerned.

  2. There are many restaurants in that general area, some chain, some not. Especially if you come down about three to five miles further on 635 to the edge of Las Colinas. Help us narrow it down a bit. What kinds of foods and restaurants are you interested in? Anything you definitely want to stay away from?

  3. Tonight a friend mentioned that he doesn't know where to find New York style cheesecake in the Dallas area. I decided to bring his quest here, but to open it up to the best cheesecakes in the state of whatever style your heart desires. I have had a pumpkin cheesecake during the holidays as had my friend, commercially made and pretty good, but I had to agree with him that it was a different breed of cheesecake than New York style; it was airy and light compared to that dense, dense NY style that I used to drive 20 minutes through the swampy woods to get at the Lakawana Diner in Morristown, New Jersey many years ago.

    So, whate's your favorite and where can we find it?

  4. Houston -- Stop what you are doing! Run straight to Barnes & Noble and get Robb Walsh's new book, Are You Really Going to Eat That? Flip over to his article "Bagels Rip My Flesh" for a screamingly funny review of New York Coffee Shop. Then be sure to take a notebook with you when you go to try out their lox and bagels. (I am guessing that this is the restaurant next door to New York Bagels mentioned above by texesser.)


  5. A large (11 inch) apple-cranberry tart. I started working on this for Thanksgiving, based on input from my thread here, reviewing about eight to ten recipies for apple tarts and cranbrry tarts, and feedback from family. When I get this tweaked (two more to go) I'll post it.

  6. I am aware they think it makes a restaurant lively when it isn't. Perhaps they also believe it will turn tables faster if people can't talk to each other. I have a hard time believing that people in any demographic think sitting in a restaurant and staring around because you can't talk is a great deal.

    Every city should have noise level ratings in their restaurant reviews. Then at least people in the demographic that doesn't want to have a conversation with their friends can at least to know whether or not to bring hearing protection. Actual decibel levels would be great!

  7. In Dallas I have to mention Canary Cafe, which is Mediterranean at night, but also good fast food Japanese at lunch. On Monfort, south of Beltline. Has never taken me more than about three minutes to get my food after ordering at the counter, which has a fast, short line.

    Various rice bowls, egg rolls, sushi, potstickers, soups, salads and sides of Edamame, Steamed Vegetables, and rice (brown or white). The Kobe Beef Rice Bowl and the Teriyaki Salmon Rice Bowl are both very good, and under five bucks. But I did not care as much for the Curry Chicken Rice Bowl I had last time.

  8. "What about Goff's in Dallas? I used to eat there all the time (Lovers Lane and Greenville Ave locations) and thought that they were prety tasty. Haven't had one in years, so maybe they went downhill. I also seem to remember that Harvey Goff was the Dallas equivlant of the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld."

    Yes, I think most of Harvey's customer's would agree. He's so refreshing in contrast to the customer service oriented folks who act like they actually want you to come back. :)

  9. I dislike restauarants that make conversation dificult due to the noise level -- bare walls, hard floors, loud music. :angry: Conversation with friends is an essential part of dining for me. But someone must like the noise, it seems so common. I recall a Daddy Jack's seafood restaurant in Dallas that was so noisy that a table of six could not have a conversation around the table. It was an effort just to talk to the person next to you. Very good food, but that was my last trip there.

    What Texas restaurants get thumbs down from you due to their noise level? Or do you like it?

  10. Jaymes – Don’t worry about it being on the website or not. Just call or email Tom Spicer. The 800# is on their website. He is primarily a high quality produce, herb and spice grower, sourcer, wholesaler to the best restaurants. They have just started doing some retail, but it's all web-based as far as I know. He has told me that if you don’t see it on the website to just email or call and ask him.

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