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Everything posted by michoutim

  1. Hello! Right now I am very much into dim sum. I want to learn! I had trouble finding wheat starch in Australia to make the translucent dim sum. Wheat starch is gluten free. I ended up finding it here: http://www.buyasianfood.com.au/_products//DriedFood/Flour/CockBrandWheatFlour454G-60-2730-.aspx Hopefully, that will avoid you loosing lots of time to find this item, wrongly named ¨wheat flour¨ (amidon means starch in french, but if you type wheat starch in google you will never find out, took me time! Let's see how my see through dim sum come out! I hope it will help some people on this forum!
  2. Thank you to all of you. I am located in Australia, so the law here may be different. And the pollock is imorted from Alaska.
  3. Hello, Did anyone notice that some fish has been water injected at all? I use basa quite often, no problem with that fish. A while ago I decided to try pollock. It shrunk noticeably at cooking time. I cooked some pollock again today. But I diced it (to make patties), and strained it, and sure enough, it lost 16% of water in weight. And even though, the minced patties were incredibly wet. While same patties made with basa were firm and nice. In the meantime I checked about water injected fish and pollock is a favorite target. I would advise you to keep that in mind when you buy fish. Did you people notice any such thing at all? Cheers!
  4. Love is beautiful ! The Anova is a tough nut. Invincible !
  5. Oh no ! No no no ! I would be oh so angry ! Hopefully you can fix it. I think that soaking the element would dissolve the burnt milk off the heating element. Good luck my friend !
  6. Enjoy, Jo Norvelle, We are also making our own baguettes, and they are really nice. We never buy bread.
  7. I use a straight sided stock pot, no problem (I have posted a photo above with my own "systeme-D" lid.
  8. Hello, I attach a photo which shows how to cope with the lid problem. The red part is a thin flexible sushi mat cut to fit the neck (7 cm) and back -all measured with my calliper-, the green part is one of those flexible cutting boards. It works well. For bigger rectangular containers you can find bigger size sushi mat here : http://www.ebay.fr/itm/DU-Rolling-Cut-Mat-Silicone-Sugarcraft-Fondant-Clay-Pastry-Icing-Cake-Tool-Pink-/321080908156?pt=Table_Linens&hash=item4ac1e9d97c It is very easy to cut and if you leave lots hanging on the sides, it will stay in place. Juste now I am making mi-cuit of salmon (I'd like also to call it confit of salmon) -brined in sugar + salt + water 45 minutes, then cooked at 40oC. As per the recipe on that site : http://www.chefsteps.com/activities/salmon-mi-cuit I have terrific fun with my Anova, Guys ! Enjoy the weekend !
  9. WOw ! Lucky you ! You will have terrific fun ! I have also tried a breast of chicken, traditionally dry, coated with my home made thai curry paste, it was divine. I served it with spaghettis of zucchinis...,
  10. Re pathogens, it is pretty normal to be obsessed with the issue in a commercial situation. If only for legal reasons. As for us, we have hesitated for a very long time to make our own cheeses because of that so-called pathogens issue. But we are just clean and never had any problem. By the way, pathogens are all over the place, so the real issue is "how fit is your immune system". In contrast, from what I can gather, making your charcuteries involves a serious danger because of the claustridium (unless you are equipped with a colloidal silver maker, that is). After saying that, I made a salted duck breast and I am live and kicking. Food for thought.
  11. @ Tasunder See the last lines of the manual « Cover your tank...........................is an uncovered tank » on the last page.
  12. With my unit, I intend to descale it with vinegared water from time to time... May be you should try that Mol Air...
  13. Thank you... But 250 F is very hot, i do not understand. It is 121 Celsius...
  14. I found that for the time being : http://forum.chefsteps.com/discussion/674/cold-smoking-temperature-dangers with this comment : "If you are going to cold smoke it less than 4 hours, then under the FDA rules you can use any temperature. If you are going to cold smoke it for longer periods of time, at temperatures below 54 °C / 129 °F, then you are going to need to achieve a certain salinity level within the meat, a low enough pH, and/or include nitrite salts. If you have a hardtime keeping your smoker's temperature low enough, one thing I like to do is add a bunch of ice to the smoker. The ice takes a huge amount of heat energy to melt, which keeps the temperature from spiking. " I keep on looking and will let you know what I find...
  15. Good idea, I'll keep that in mind ! :-)
  16. Thank you for the input. I think we will all have terrific fun with the Anova. If you ask me, it is the best deal right now for a sous-vide, which is possible because they sell directly, so it lowers the cost with no middle man. I am truely grateful to the Anova company. I recommend them....
  17. For those interested, here is where you can find a cheap cold smoker : http://www.macsbbq.com/cold-smokers/product/proq-cold-smoke-generator
  18. Yes, I do that for the time bein, but it is clumsy. I'll mesure the diameter of the Anova with my calliper, and I'll fiddle a lid with a plastified car, I think. I'll let you know...
  19. Hi Johnelle, I made a turkey breast also (see above please) and it was moist, so good ! By the way we have been making our cheeses also for several years (espeically Camembert, goat/chèvre, and smelly cheeses like Munster, washed rind, it is fun. You should be able to find a hude wide pot, I have one but you live too far !:-)))) Hi Gfweb, Smoking, good idea, I'll try cold smoking a turker breast... I'll let you know. Otherwise, I have to fiddle a proper lid for my stock pot, and also something to hold the bag in place.
  20. Hi ! We went for a ride, so to speak... We followed our nose.... We love to take risks ! I rubbed the rib with good celtic salt and cracked black pepper, and we vacuumed it. Rib of beef, 600g, bone on, thickness 4 to 5 cm. I removed a bit of the fat on the edge. Bath at 51o Celsius, for 2 hours and a half. Then we browned it in a frying pan. and this is the result, and we think it is gREAT for us. Some may like it more done. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/320x240q90/534/rnu9.jpg We are so HAPPY ! Thank you ANOVA! You know, I read recipes where they said 48 h or so... The other day, my sirloin which was thin was overdone at 55oC.... Have a great evening or morning, since we are all over the place
  21. Thank you Lesliec ! Glad you also enjoy the Anova ! It is really fun ! I'll let you know about my next experiments with beef... Yes, what they call medium rare is what the French would call almost well done. :-)
  22. Hi ! I made 3 recipes with my Anova,: > Salmon steaks, perfectly cooked. > Next acid test with a dry piece of poultry, namely a 470 g turkey breast (I mention I do not like turkey because it is so dry !). Well, I put it in a bath at 63.9 C for 90 minutes, it was MOIST and juicy, incredible ! So from now on I'll happily eat turker beast and chicken breast ! > 2 sirloin steaks, total weight 375 g, 55 C for 2 hours. Far too done for us, next I'll try at 50oC. Being French, we do do like our red meat too done... So we are on the learning curve. But I can already say : I LOVE THIS MACHINE and so does my husband.
  23. Hi, Michoutim here ! I received my toy a few days ago, I was glad that the bad weather didn't delay delivery to OZLand. I tried it with salmon, excellent ! However, today was the acid test so to speak, with a turkey breast -let me tell you I don't like turkey in general because it is so dry, no matter what, it is dry. I never buy turkey because of that. Well, I vacuum packed the 470 g breast with on each side of it salt, pepper, 1/2 bay leaf, thyme, a branch of terragon, and blanched orange zest, and dabs of cold butter -not much though-. It is amazing. We tasted it as soon as the 1st morsel was cut, super moist, pinkish also (we did it at 63.9 Celsius, for 90 minutes). We served it with some of my orange sauce, and with spaghettis of zucchinis (that I made for the 1st time using a device called a veggie twister, but sometimes they call it other names) just sautéed in a mix of olive oil and butter and still crispy. It looks neat on the plate, believe me (I took a photo if you want it though I do not know yet how to post a photo here on this forum). To cut it short, my husband -the blasé type you know!!!- was impressed even at 1st use of the unit which is sturdy, and easy to use. He also made a perfect egg that we are going to taste tonight (he used little baskets for chinese fondue, to contain the egg so it wouldn't fly around, those baskets are super cheap (the handle is flexible so it is handy to hang on the side of the pot. I will recommend it, believe me.. So thank you to Anova. And thank you Jeff ! I told a Chef I know in France, who may be interested, he has a most popular cooking platform, and will mention it, I am sure. Long Live Sous-Vide cooking !
  24. Hello to everyone, I am located in Australia. I placed my order on the 17th (which is the 16th in the USA). I am impatient to get it ! I wish you all a Wonderful Christmas ! And thank you to Jeff for being so helpful.
  25. Hello, I've just joined this forum that I discovered this morning, and that thread convinced me to buy an ANOVA unit, I've just placed my order. So I look forward to posting my comments here. Cheers to everyone.
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