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  1. We have recently gone from scoring with a roller, then cutting with a long chef's knife to a guitar. Oh my Goodness!!!! It makes a huge difference! I Love my Dedy! I've found that when we cut with a knife it was better to use untempered chocolate. It broke less frequently and was thus easier to dip with dipping forks. Now that we have a guitar, it is convenient to use tempered chocolate since it is ready in the tempering machine. I used Greweling's method (Coating the sheet of center before flipping and cutting) with both the knife and guitar. However I found that if you start cutting once the chocolate begins to set but isn't hard yet, it didn't break as much. Thus, I would coat a slab, allow it to set a bit, then cut. With the guitar it is much easier to time because you can cut the whole sheet at once.
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