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Posts posted by benjamin163

  1. I am experimenting with cous cous, rice and mash potato.

    I don't sous vide these dishes. I find that pointless.

    However, I am bagging the finished product and vacuum sealing so I can keep them and reheat quickly in the m**rowave (don't hate me!)

    My question is this...

    Should I be placing these bags in a water bath to pasteurise them for a longer life before storing them in the fridge or freezer?

    I'm wondering how long I can keep bagged rice in the fridge under vacuum unpasteurised as opposed to pasteurised.

    If I was to pasteurise, do I use the same guidelines as for meat? ie is it still about the thickness of the package and the temperature of the water?

    Or is this all a totally unnecessary faff?

    Any thoughts on this gratefully received.

  2. Thanks for all these answers. Very helpful.

    What I've learned is that as soon as I un-bag, the food is no longer pastuerised, so I guess I just have to re-bag which is a faff but if that's the way it is, that's the way it is.

    Steve, I tried individual portions but they don't turn out great straight from the bag. It's hard to crisp up the skin and there's enough gelatin to put people off. 

    I'm trying to get it so that people can just cut the bag open, flash it under the grill to get some crispiness and that's it.

  3. Hello, 

    I am cooking a whole pork belly sous vide.

    I want to portion it up after cooking and place each portion back in a separate vacuum pack afterwards for safe storage.

    My question is, should I do the portioning up as soon as I take the pork belly out of the water bath while still hot?

    Or should I blast chill the whole belly first, still in the bag, then portion up and re-bag?

    I'm wondering which process will be safer.

    On the one hand portioning up the belly while it's still hot and then blast chilling the separate bags seems like a good idea.

    On the other hand blast chilling the whole thing first so it gets to a safe temp, then portioning up also seems like a good idea.

    I'm also wondering what the act of taking the belly out of its original bag does to the extended life of the belly.

    I understand that without taking it out of the bag, chilled rapidly I can keep the belly at 5 degrees for roughly a week. Does anyone know how that figure changes if I try either of the two procedures above?

    Any help gratefully received 

  4. Thanks so much for the answers. 

    I think the combination of the fact that the pate was sealed with butter and also sealed in a kilner jar, the amount of butter in the recipe (over 1/3) the alcohol and capers all seem to have helped preserve this.

    My friend scoffed both the pate and at the notion that my worry was valid. 

    She said it was absolutely delicious. 

    Personally I think she just got lucky and I will make sure I give her a consume by date of 2 weeks next time even though this one is 6 months later.

  5. I have just been told by a friend I made some pate for at christmas that she's still enjoying it today, 5 months later.

    This shocked and worried me and I told her to throw it away immediately.

    She told me to stop being ridiculous and that it was delicious.

    I'm astounded.

    The recipe contains chicken livers and butter about 2/3 to 1/3.

    And there are a few other ingredients like capers, mustard, creme fraishe, garlic, brandy and thyme.

    I pour the mixture into a kilner jar and top with clarified butter to seal.

    I would never want to have that for more than 2 weeks.

    I have absolutely no idea how the pate has stopped from going rancid and I am positive it must be dangerous to eat now but she is eating it and telling me how delicious it is!

    Can anyone help?

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