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  1. How long will mozzarella immersed in olive oil last in the fridge?
  2. Good news! I found a leak in the freezer's seal, fixed it, the temp went right down to 4° F and the ice cream maker's freezing liquid froze solid overnight. Made some delicious ice cream right away! << [with freezer at 31° F] . . even if you could make ice cream, it won't stay ice cream at 31f due to the sugar content. It will be soupy >> I would never put sugar in ice cream! Heavy cream, egg yolk, a pinch of salt, that's it . . the best ice cream in the world! Put sugary junk on top if eating sugar has dulled your taste buds so much that cream doesn't taste sweet to you!! End of sermon!
  3. Thanks liuzhou ~ OK, it's off to the landlord to give me a better fridge :o(
  4. Alas, my freezer only goes down to 31°. I've emailed Cuisinart asking if the freezing liquid has a limited lifetime, and I'll report back on that when they reply.
  5. Thanks JoNorvelleWalker and pastrygirl ~ I'll stick a thermometer in the freezer and get back to you tomorrow morning.
  6. The freezing liquid in the bowl of my Cuisinart 2 quart ice cream maker no longer freezes. It's about 20 years old; is this the inevitable destiny of all such freezing liquids? Everything else in my freezer is as hard as granite :o)
  7. beau

    Homemade Pam

    My question is, can I also use liquid lecithin in home-made non-stick pan coating? Also . . . << . . although I don't understand the need to add a non-stick substance to a non-stick pan . . >> There are some ingredients which will stick badly to non-stick surfaces. I make gulten-free waffles with Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Biscuit and Baking Mix, and if you don't season the non-stick waffle iron you're going to have major sticking problems which require a difficult clean-up, given the shape of waffle irons. I prep the surface with 1) leaf lard when the iron is new and occasionally later on (do not use Armour brand), and 2) sunflower oil. Then I brush on sunflower oil before every use, and still there are some serious sticking problems. This is bothersome because a lot of oil must be used, I don't like the wastefulness esp since I buy high quality sunflower oil (La Tourangelle and Rapunzel). I just started using Pam, and it absolutely works wonders, causing zero sticking. So if you're using gluten-free flour, Pam is the answer . . . but I'm going to try the home-made non-stick because I dont' care for Pam's petrochemical ingredients. Finally, as someone pointed out to me years ago on eGullet, cast iron seasoned with real leaf lard is far and away the least-sticky surface. For years I seasoned cast iron with oils until one day I tried leaf lard, and the difference is enormous.
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