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Everything posted by jogoode

  1. It's not French bistro but Craft has an incredible hangar steak, maybe skirt, i forget. They have some of the best oysters I've had in the city. Cheese and charcuterie. Possibly mussels.
  2. Probably the bump on the heads of roosters and other fowl. But I think females can have it, too. You know, the funny red thing exaggerated in cartoons that looks like a filled-out three-fingered glove.
  3. Certainly not top spots but... Molyvos Lupa
  4. richw, Yes! We need the recipe!
  5. When I was little, I used to go to Barney's for fish platters.. but I've never tried anything else there. I'm closer to Russ & Daughters now so I do most of my fish shopping there. What should good ptcha taste like?
  6. I've never had 2nd Ave's kreplach. and gribenes is certainly not on the menu (I don't think). You could ask, though, because they give out free schmaltz to those who ask. Pan, How do you pronounce "gribenes"?
  7. Anyone care to share their favorite spot for Jewish Deli food? I'm talkin' ptcha, kremplach, and schmaltz, not pastrami and corned beef ... well I guess we can talk tongue if you want ... I think 2nd Ave. Deli is still solid and has a damn good selection of hard to find Jewish delicacies. Where else?
  8. jogoode


    Congratulations! Can't tell you how excited I get whenever I see Amma mentioned. I'll be back very soon if I can get a table!
  9. jogoode


    I've been meaning to check this place out. I love that they're open all day and well into the night with a menu that can be snack or meal. Was this your first time?
  10. Mind if i ask how much the tasting cost? Do you think it's a good way to experience Mix for the first time?
  11. Mr. Cutlets, Look what you've started!
  12. Aha! As long as neglect isn't to blame. I still think I'd like a very crusty roll, but I have not been studying cheese steaks for ten years...
  13. Even from a cheesesteak neophyte this is great praise. But the roll scares me. I wonder if it holds a candle to the non-Passayunk cheesesteak, like John's, the deserved title-holder of Best Cheesesteak in Philly and reason for my pork comment above.
  14. Yeah, but where can you find a competent roast pork sandwich in NYC? I'll have to get to Carl's. But first I want to hear more about these "short rolls of comparable character and moistness". I like a really crusty roll with my cheesey -- are these rolls doughy?
  15. jogoode


    So Hearth is open for business? I'm excited about the BYO policy.
  16. Ha! I wish. Restaurants know his smiling face too well. And the pay cut. And the fact that his normal NY eating schedule -- going anywhere he wants anytime he wants -- would be replaced by the rigor of a reviewer's schedule. And he would probably have to give up his lovely assistants -- unless the Times would be willing to fund.
  17. Sahadi's sells killer Iranian pistachios
  18. There's lots of good Blue Hill talk here. But I want to know what you ate, too. (When I went I was allowed to share the dessert flight -- I was unimpressed overall. Most of the desserts were just not very interesting, but one particular dessert involving avocado was awful in concept and flavor.
  19. Varmint, I just caught this -- I haven't been called a herb in years! As I said, I typically back down from eating challenges, but one more insult like that and you'll have yourself a duel.
  20. Incredible places! Shit I wish I had been there... Ha I would be the first to back down from an eating contest, but I can graze silently for hours on end. All I need are a few short breaks in eating and, I find, something tart or sweet to break up patches of serious consumption. Best thing about my trip was that is was the first time I could afford to be full -- in NYC, this isn't usually possible
  21. If I had known I was going to spend some eating time in Georgia, I would have! (I thought I would be filled up by the Carolinas.) eGulleteers did inform some of my decisions, as always...
  22. you'll have to adhere to the most rigorous eating schedule of your life. start preparing now
  23. I've heard this about kohada too. You have to cure this fish (I'd imagine using vinegar) to make edible the tiny bones distributed throughout it, and each shop will do this differently. That's why eel and tamago also make good markers, because the better places prepare these themselves, whereas crappy places buy their tamago from a distributor and their eel comes precooked and they warm it in a toaster oven...But even fish that are simply stored, cut and served will suggest the overall quality of the restaurant/chef.
  24. I worked in the area for a bit and got addicted to their bastarma with lebne sandwich. And the muj sandwich is damn good, too. The two sandwiches are the exact opposite -- the first aggressively spiced, the second pretty bland (but that subtly complex kind of bland). I wasn't that impressed with the prepared stuff I've tried, tho.
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