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Everything posted by jogoode

  1. thanks torakris! Now I'm really excited. In New York, I almost never eat anything at its place of origin.
  2. Thanks, ankomochi. I'm visiting Japan this summer and have a friend living in a small village in Fukui. I wonder, is there a book published in English that discusses Japan's regional speciaties and cuisine? I'm also hoping to find a couple of sushiya outside of major cities that serve a small selection of fish from local bodies of water. Is that a possibility, or is good sushi specific to large cities?
  3. Well said, Bux. The tone is what's objectionable. Frankly, it gives the impression of a less than disinterested reviewer.
  4. Does anyone know anything about this prefecture's food?
  5. I think that any restaurant that has a $72 price fixed menu changes the expectations. It needs to provide more than food that tastes good in a "fun environment." If you reread the descriptions of the dishes earlier on this thread, you'll see that many are quite sophisticated, and worthy of the prix fixe price. I do, however, think that some of the "fun" dishes seem to be out of sync with the dishes diners get with tasting menus. (BTW, an heirloom tomato tasting appetizer appeared on the menu at Restaurant Daniel a few months ago included grilled cheese and tomato.)
  6. It almost tastes like the beans have been pickled...It makes a great leftover.
  7. Yesterday I tried the "Red Cooking Pork with Chestnuts", thinking it would be like the sweet double-cooked pork dishes -- like Ruby Pork at China 46, or a similar dish at Hunan Cottage, in Fairfield, NJ -- but it came with soft chunks of pork in a thin sauce, with some spinach-like greens. Pleasant, but not very interesting, even with the cooked chestnuts, which in this dish tasted like a very starchy, sweet root vegetable. Today, I tried the sour string beans with minced pork. I thought the strings beans would be served whole, but they were cut into tiny, about 1/3 inch, lengths. They were most likely yard-long beans and not strings. All I could detect as ingredients were the beans, pork, dried chili flakes, and some scallions, but that couldn't have accounted for the taste. What else is in this dish? What makes it slightly sour? It's my favorite so far. Also had good pickled cabbage.
  8. I'll have to read the whole review. I am already skeptical about it from the latter quote bloviatrix posted. Sounds like another Grimes-like stab at Ducasse, and more a reaction to the perceived arrogance of Ducasse than to the food at Mix. Psaltis seems to be immune to any criticism from reviewers. (Not to say that he deserves any, just to highlight the fact that Ducasse seems always to blame.)
  9. Fuck yeah! (I like the picture where you and Joe are transfixed by the thing.) Great pictures; I really wish I could have come. It'll be frustrating to go to DiFara's and not be able to try all that stuff at once. Please say that you all won't mind another trip to Brooklyn in a few months. For anyone living in Brooklyn, I just realized that DiFara's is a short drive from almost anywhere in BK with access to the expressway -- less than fifteen minutes from Cobble Hill/Carrol Gardens, etc...
  10. jogoode


    Thank you, Robert. If I do decide to try this dish -- and I think I might, because it sounds very interesting -- I would do it without the truffles, not just because supplements are a bit out of my price range, but because I wonder whether the dish would be enhanced with truffles. I suppose I'd have to try the dish and see what quince's roll is before I judge the combination. Also, pork belly might not be the best match for the skate entree I plan to try.
  11. jogoode


    The gnocchi sounds great, but I was thinking of concentrating my ordering on seafood. Though I am intrigued by the pork belly. How is it pork belly served? (The online menu doesn't list that dish.)
  12. jogoode


    I'm there! Actually, I am thinking of eating there soon. Anyone have any recs beside the skate? A particular appetizer, maybe, representative of Gallagher's cooking? I can never choose from menus...
  13. jogoode


    You went!? What else did you try?
  14. thanks, pan. i'm planning on ordering almost every day for lunch...God that tendon dish was good!
  15. I should admit that when I opened the container of spicy beef tendon, I thought it was my dan dan noodles -- the tendon is served in long translucent shavings. Awesome dish: spicy, salty, great texture. Dan dan was good, too. edit: translucent, not transparent. Oops
  16. thanks guys. i'd read the entire thread through but i can only get to the comp for about ten seconds at a time. i've been hearing about the tendon for a long time now -- I'll try it. It's a cold dish, correct? On the takeout menu, they have it and tendon with sweet black bean sauce. And I try the dan dan. No special menu or special prefix -- "freshly killed" -- for these, I assume.
  17. good roast pork buns, too. I had to try one. The pork was very good -- not candy sweet like most I've had -- but quite savory. I'll get another with lunch today. What, under $10 or so, should I oder for lunch? Suggestions so far: red parrot with green mouth, sour string beans...
  18. even after its trip to the office, the fresh Kung Bao chicken was excellent. I've never had anything like it. The Sichuan peppercorn produced a sort of cool tingling, and the dish was complex: slightly sweet, salty. I'm looking forward to more. Maybe my next dish will be the stringbean with pork, Amuse Bouche!
  19. it'd be a shame to get freshly killed chicken and have it get less fresh...
  20. sorry, i missed this last sentence. thanks. can't wait. i hope the ride over doesn't hurt the dish...
  21. i think i'll try kung bao. should i request freshly killed? or is it the same dish as it's written on takeout menu?
  22. thanks bpearis! i thought the takeout menu looked a little tame. green parrot!? red mouth!? what is this and how much will it set me back...
  23. Does the midtown branch deliver. And if so, should that be my first experience with the food at GS?
  24. I don't think he cares -- I can't imagine that any of that 12 million is his.
  25. I was hoping someone would start a thread on ADNY again. I'm thinking of a visit, and I'm happy to hear not only that you had great food, but that the staff didn't try to push you to spend, spend, spend. The times I've gone top restaurants, the respective staffs have made me uncomfortable turning down anything (luckily, I can stick to my guns). How were the portions sized, Bruce? I remember watching the video on the Times Web site with Grimes' commentary and being surprised at the size of the lentil and foie gras dish. I'm hoping the portions are smaller than this made them seem.
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