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Posts posted by TinaYuan

  1. dcarch, happy Bangladesh New Year. What a feast! The shrimps make me mouth watering. I like Indian spicy food. Would you mind recommending some Indian cookbooks which are authentic but not too hard for me? I'm quite a new cooker.

    Keith, I come from Jiangsu. Guangdong is definitely food heaven. No wonder you are such a good cook! By the way,I love love love dim sum!!!

    today's dinner is the same as lunch, sweet braised pork hock. It was marinaded in soy sauce. After brushing maltose, it was fried and braised in ginger, shallots, rock sugar, mirin, soy sauce, water for 3 hours. Served with sauteed boy chok.


    My baby chinchilla got fungus. Hope she will recover as soon as possible.

    I'm enjoying your posts very much, TinaYuan; thanks for sharing what is a novel cuisine to me.

    Thanks! Most I made are Chinese. I'm so happy you like it~

  2. dcarch, happy Bangladesh New Year. What a feast! The shrimps make me mouth watering. I like Indian spicy food. Would you mind recommending some Indian cookbooks which are authentic but not too hard for me? I'm quite a new cooker.

    Keith, I come from Jiangsu. Guangdong is definitely food heaven. No wonder you are such a good cook! By the way,I love love love dim sum!!!

    today's dinner is the same as lunch, sweet braised pork hock. It was marinaded in soy sauce. After brushing maltose, it was fried and braised in ginger, shallots, rock sugar, mirin, soy sauce, water for 3 hours. Served with sauteed boy chok.


    My baby chinchilla got fungus. Hope she will recover as soon as possible.

  3. Good morning, today's breakfast is black sesame souffle. In my country (China), black sesame is considered to be very good for brain and hair. I'm losing hairs these days, so....


  4. Mike, the cauliflower is roasted with tomato and then simmered in water until soft. I reserved some for garnish and blended the remaining just a few times. So it's coarse. You will still have pea-size cauliflowers in each bite. Should I call this "mashed cauliflower"? :huh: I didn't actually mash it.

  5. Kim, thank you! The cake looks delicious. I like everything with lemon!

    mm84321, the presentation is absolutely beautiful. I have never had white asparagus before. Must try some time~

    Diet tonight~

    Mashed cauliflower, tomato and a little cumin, cilantro, served with homemade sourdough ciabatta (dill flavor, bought too much dill last weekend :blink: )


  6. Paul Bertolli's Cauliflower Soup

    In the same vein as Gordon's Ramsey broccoli soup, it's hard to beat the simplicity. After sweating thinly sliced onions, the cauliflower is added and cooked in a small amount of water for about 15 minutes (lid on), and then simmered for an additional 20 minutes with additional water (lid off). There are no other ingredients except salt, pepper, and olive oil. The soup thickens when blended and has a very smooth texture. It's really good and highlights the delicate flavor of the cauliflower. This is a nice change from soups that use roasted cauliflower.


    FrogPrincesse, I was so intrigued by your post and finally made the cauliflower soup today. WOW, it is so delicious!! So fresh and cauliflowery. The earthy flavor of olive oil just elevates the delicacy of cauliflower. Thank you for sharing!


  7. First of all, thank you all for those warm welcomes!

    Tonight I made a Stewed chicken with three cups sauce, which is a famous dish in Taiwan. Chicken is served with steam rice and boiled boy chok.


    Three cups sauce means equal parts of oil, soy sauce and cooking wine.

    Use garlic and ginger as aromatics, brown chicken a little bit and pour in the sauce.

    For half a small chicken, I use 1/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup cooking wine. With lid on, cook on medium heat about 20 minutes till the sauce is thick and shining. Garnish with fresh basil and roasted sesame seeds.

    My new bought soy sauce is so dark. I don't like it....

    I bought a new wok today. SO HAPPY :raz:

  8. Hello every one, I'm new here. I'm from China and now study in US. Very nice to meet you all!

    This is what I have,



    This is some sort of Southern Chinese dumpling soup. The filling is mainly shredded daikon (huge white radish), mixed with dried shrimp, shallots, ginger and seasoned with soybean sauce, salt, white pepper, shrimp paste. The filling was in refrigerator overnight and when taken out, extra water is squeezed off.

    The soup is a common Chinese pork spare rib soup, which is a pork broth based on shallots and ginger. I added some wolfberry and Chinese medicine herb. This particular soup is also called medicine soup in my country.

    祝大家好胃口!(chinese version 'Bon appetit' :smile: )

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