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  1. Could your lamb possibly have been a little more lean than is typical for whatever cut you were using? That being said, 72 hours seems a bit long, even at that temperature, for lamb.
  2. $10 bucks?! This Guy guy loses more and more credibility every single time he introduces yet another over-priced product. I got my same exact squirt bottles, a set of 3, for $1! And bonus: my squirt bottles didn't come with the fruity graphics all over them!
  3. While on a recent vacation I got to use one of these for 3 separate meals. Twice as a slow cooker and once as an actual Sous Vide machine. I can say that upon first impression it worked exactly as advertised. It didn't blow my socks off, but it certainly did the job well. My favorite feature was the fact that you can control the temperature in 1 degree increments. Since I only touched base with it briefly I don't feel comfortable commenting on the durability of it. At 1/4 the price of an industry standard machine, I can't help but wonder how long this thing would last when put under regular use and stress. I have no complaints about it from using it, and my family and guests certainly had no complaints about the meals it helped me produce. I believe I my wife may even have a few pictures of the machine in use. She takes A LOT of pictures and was certainly present to document the meals and their preparations. She's asleep now but I'll check with her and see if we can't come update this thread in the morning with some action shots of the machine.
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