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Everything posted by hyjekr

  1. I've done some research and found a report of a nerve cluster over the eyes that has blood vessels close to it. When the blood vessels dialate it puts pressure on the nerves causing pain. I notice when I get the headaches I can feel the blood vessels pulsing on the top inside of my eye sockets. Sometimes it's more prominent on one side & the pain is more severe on that side. Ice packs help relieve some of the pain. Here's a link to alcohol unduced headaches. http://headaches.about.com/od/headaches101/a/Understanding-Alcohol-Induced-Headaches.htm
  2. Hi All. I'd like to see this thread revived since I had had the same problem with beer. Wine too. Very bad headaches that last about 24 hours with the pain centered over my right eye(where I can feel a blood vessal throb). I can get these from 1 beer. I've been doing some tests over the last few months with me as the guinea pig. At first I thought I had it solved when I drank sports drinks before, during, and after drinking beer, but my body seemed to try to flush out the problem faster than I could replenish the water and electrolytes. I then tried taking Benadryl before drinking which helped 60 to 75% of time. I now think it's a combination of things where my body is trying to flush out the histamines from the beer. I do have the same reactions to some foods, but only sporadically. So, here's my list of observations. Beer and pizza seem to work well together. I don't get headaches if I drink a sports drink during the beer drinking. I have read that the fat in the pizza ingredients slows down the absorbtion of the alcohol. Benadryl works most of the time to stop the problem if taken beforehand. I'm going to try a natural herb formula to create more diamine oxidase. I have read that this enzyme resides in the small intestine and consumes histamines. The following foods can increase the diamine oxidase in the body; 1) chamomile, 2) saffron, 3) anise, 4) fennel, 5) caraway, 6) licorice, 7) cardamom and 8) black seed. I'm waiting for the supplement to come in the mail. Any thoughts anybody?
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