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Everything posted by fresh_a

  1. Normally, it's no problem not ordering cheese or dessert at the end of a meal in a Michelin-starred establishment... the waitstaff knows you've just packed in a calorie-rich meal, and won't get angry at you!
  2. cab: Our "special arrangements" are our relationships with the various restaurants. We send them excellent clients looking for exceptional experiences, and willing to pay top dollar to taste the best food, and drink the best wines. We have a team of experienced concierges, who have worked in various places all over Paris, and in know most of the right people by name. Our clients are generally quite knowledgable, and know what they want, or have friends and aquaintances who make great suggestions. Most guests are fairly wealthy, and have le "gout de luxe", and know many of the best establishments all over the world. Then again, from time to time, we get the occasional guest who put enormous pressure on us to get, say, a restaurant like "L'Ambroisie", then eat a salad with a glass of Coca Cola!! That puts us in the doghouse for awhile... Speaking with people for a period of months or years (ie restaurant managers, maitre d's,etc) creates a kind of relationship..we'll all in the same business.
  3. fresh_a


    I dined at craft three months ago, and, though I enjoyed the meal, I wasn't overly impressed. I found a lot of the things on the menu pretty much at the level of any number of good contemporary bistros here in Paris, where I live.. it was pretty pricey too, for what it was (unsophisticated, rushed service, long wait for the table despite reservations,etc...)
  4. I'm not a very big fan of bonjourparis, although they seem to have knowledgeable food reviewers... Legendre will get it.. he has a lot of pull in Paris, and a lot of good vibes Also the Vice Champion Sommelier, Eric Beaumard, is the restaurant manager, and their sommelier is the Best European Sommelier, Bernardo... they have a friendly and impeccable service, and seem to have everything going for them...
  5. Well, obviously the three-stars are in high demand, especially L'Ambroisie and Grand Vefour. The Jules Verne is also in high demand (probably only for the view...) and Amil Louis and Le Voltaire are very popular. The latter two establishments are not very helpful, although they are sent excellent clients on a regular basis... We also get a lot of requests for Astrance, and the Costes restaurants...
  6. Philippe Legendre at Le Cinq in the Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris will get three stars.
  7. Late post, I know, but I couldn't resist. La Mansouria is excellent, and Fatema Hal the owner and chef is so charming. All the three-star chefs in Paris want to get their hands on her couscous recipes. Her books are interesting , and she's just released her own line of couscous and teas (try the The d'Absinthe!) for sale at Lafayette Gourmet and Fauchon.
  8. I work in a luxury hotel, and advise people on a lot of different things... I also review restaurants from time to time for various unknown publications...
  9. cabrales- I work with a lot of establishments in Paris, so I know a lot of people.. as far as I know the bar is open only to diners.. and as it doesn't really have a view (except of the back of the restaurant), it isn't much in demand. I think you do have to eat there though to use the bar...
  10. Passiflore and Maison Blanche would qualify as well. Passiflore I really enjoyed as the chef has a two-star pedigree (ex-Pre Catelan), but loves travelling (especially in Asia), and brings alot of cooking techniques and produce from these regions..so it's a sort of real fusion food... Maison Blanche has a very spacious, contemporary, New York feel in terms of design, and the weight of the Pourcel brothers behind the cuisine.. the view is great, but I've been consistently (only went twice) let down by the cuisine...nothing special for the very expensive prices... I go there from time to time to their hidden upstairs bar, as one of their managers is a friend...more to soak up the ambience.
  11. fresh_a


    Rue St. Anne is the most well-known street for Japanese (or other Asians posing as Japanese) restaurants... They are of varying quality, but, for the most part, not expensive. For really top Japanese cuisine, try.. Isami, or Isse... avoid Nobu, they were already too expensive, but now also bankrupt, and on the point of closing ...
  12. My wife lunched a couple of years ago at "Le Cercle", and really enjoyed it... she was invited for a work luncheon by a big French cosmetic company..
  13. Went to ThaiChi last week in the Wafi Centre, and thought the cuisine was pretty tasty. Forget the new Indian restaurant just across from them.. overpriced and definitely not spicy enough!
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