cab: Our "special arrangements" are our relationships with the various restaurants. We send them excellent clients looking for exceptional experiences, and willing to pay top dollar to taste the best food, and drink the best wines. We have a team of experienced concierges, who have worked in various places all over Paris, and in know most of the right people by name. Our clients are generally quite knowledgable, and know what they want, or have friends and aquaintances who make great suggestions. Most guests are fairly wealthy, and have le "gout de luxe", and know many of the best establishments all over the world. Then again, from time to time, we get the occasional guest who put enormous pressure on us to get, say, a restaurant like "L'Ambroisie", then eat a salad with a glass of Coca Cola!! That puts us in the doghouse for awhile... Speaking with people for a period of months or years (ie restaurant managers, maitre d's,etc) creates a kind of relationship..we'll all in the same business.