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Everything posted by perfection

  1. Could anybody help me to understand styles of service that go by names such as - sweep service - the wave - hand service ?
  2. Out of sheer curiosity i would like to know whether malted whisky exist that re made from wheat wholly or maybe a mix of malted grain ? If there are please list the brand or distillery that does them
  3. Than you so much Duvel - much appreciated
  4. As i know it vodka is a highly rectified spirit run through the distillation process several times to make it neutral. Yes the organoleptic qualities that result are from the congeners that distill over which will have be those that have a vaporizing point close to that of of ethyl alcohol and of course the 4.5 % odd water component. So what else is there to remove by filtration (like activated charcoal) especially when demineralized water is used to dilute down to bottling strength? Could somebody explain this to me with a few examples ? Thanks and stay safe
  5. May I get help deconstructing these words and understanding exactly what they mean when a gest orders drinks using these words?
  6. Here is a video that describes boxing a drink but claims that boxing and rolling are the same but there seem to be differences although the basic technique IS the same. Hence the question on this forum
  7. I've been reading up on these two terms and watching videos associated with these terms and am slightly confused whether these terms are identical what I have gathered is BOXING : built in glass rolled back and then forth (back to the glass) ONCE (with ice - yes) ROLLING: built in the mix can and rolled back and forth SEVERAL TIMES, then poured into glass (with ice - yes) How do you guys use the terms, please let me know This is merely out of curiosity and of theoretical importance (in case I commence my mixology classes in the future)! Thanks and Cheers
  8. Thank you Not exactly what I wanted but will tide me over
  9. I have searched the web for info on this particular niche areas related to the production of vermouth before posting here, but none seem to get into the details. Which of the following are resorted to by vermouth production houses to incorporate the botanical flavours and aromas into the base (usually white undistinguished) wine 1. Steeping the botanicals in the base wine 2. Steeping the botanicals in the fortified base wine 3. Steeping in a hydroalcoholic solution which is then added to the wine (Martini does this) but I was wondering whether this is done to make a concentrate (tincture) to add to the fortified base wine or is it added such that the base unfortified wine gets fortified and flavoured 4. Steeping followed by distillation of say neutral alcohol to extract the flavours But would this be done to make a concentrate (tincture) to add to the fortified base wine or is it added such that the base unfortified wine gets fortified and flavoured 5. is vapor infusion (like Bombay Sapphire) used similarly to 4 above? 6. Combining various methods depending on the nature of botanical and the sensitivity of the flavours and aromas o be extracted Please share any factual knowledge with me on the above Thank you e-gullet members for any help
  10. As a lecturer currently writing course packs in bar and beverage i have a few contrdictions on the topic of bar glassware - classic and modern Please indiate the question number in your answer and the country from where you are - it seriously helps in understanding cultural nomenclature differences. If possible please provide capacity and reference source Question 1 Can glass stemware and footed glassware together be termed goblets ? Question 2 Is an elgiin glass the same (identical) in shape to a pousse cafe glass? If not, is the elgin essentially a glass popular in the UK only Question 3 What is the capacity of a pousse cafe glass? http://www.cocktaildb.com/barwr_detail?id=66 says 1.5 oz while http://www.drinklab.ph/glassware.php?ID=Pousse cafe glass say 6 oz quite a differnce although shape is quite quite similar Question 4 Is a cordial (liqueur) glass stemmed or unstemmed and can they also be termed shot glasses? (the latter doesn't sound quite right though) What exactly is a pony glass? Is it a liqueur (cordial) glasss of 1 oz capacity (or not necessarily 1oz) PS. I have also heard of pony shot glasses and pony beer tumblers (australian?) of 140 ml capacity Question 5 What is a delmonico glass and is it also called a (whisky) sour glass? Is the nomenclature delmonico essentially American in usage? Again is it stemmed or unstemmed? http://www.drinklab.ph/glassware.php?ID=Whiskey sour glass (copy this link until the word 'glass') AND http://www.cocktaildb.com/barwr_detail?id=9 seem contradictory in shape but agree on the 5oz capacity Question 6 What is a (london) dock glass? http://www.cocktaildb.com/barwr_detail?id=65 (a six ounce hot toddy glass that looks like those that they serve Irish coffee in AND http://www.kingcocktail.com/glass.htm (says A port or sauternes glass that will fill the bill for dessert wines as well as for fine spirits "neat" (without ice), and some special cocktails like the straight up sours and in his book which i have it shows a handless glass) How come such a big conceptual difference? Thanks and respect to all members here
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