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Posts posted by Daniel72

  1. I've been trying to make the Egg Blossom from MC book but am really struggling to get the air out when wrapping/trying the plastic wrap - then of course they won't sink in the SV - anyone with suggestions of how to get round this?

    I've done those before - I simply laid some plastic wrap over hemisphere molds, drizzled some truffle oil over the plastic wrap, and cracked the eggs into the molds. To get the air out i just worked it out with my hands and twisted the opening shut closing it with a small rubber band. If your eggs are floating (and your plastic is sealed well), try gently resting a fork or two over the egg to keep it submerged.

    Thanks - I had thought about those molds and hence I had a delivery yesterday of one - will try as you suggest and perhaps be more forceful!

  2. Tonight I am serving a "money muscle" from a Boston butt that will have been cooked sous-vide at 175F for about 12 hours. It was seasoned with salt and a little sugar (a la Momofuku) before going into the bath. Afterwards I plan on either searing on the grill or quickly deep frying. Not sure which yet.

    I am asking if anyone has a quick sauce to recommend? The texture is much like pulled pork, only more tender, if possible. I have done this once before with a honey-sherry glaze, but am looking for something different. Any suggestions?

    Also, here is a picture of the "money muscle" for those who are curious.


    That's frankly an extraordinary colour for Pork - looks wonderful.

  3. I've been trying to make the Egg Blossom from MC book but am really struggling to get the air out when wrapping/trying the plastic wrap - then of course they won't sink in the SV - anyone with suggestions of how to get round this? I am doing a sci-fi dinner in a few weeks and was planning on separating the white and staining with blue food colour and then re-assembling - I want my guests to feel slightly 'uncomfortable' with what they are eating :)

    Planning to do some Racht (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Racht) so might try making some spaghetti and squid ink.


  4. By the sound of it the egg yolks weren't cooked, if they were they'd have thickened the cream and added stability. Xanthan will also thicken and allow more stability. Serving the foam slightly cooler will also aid thickness and therefore stability.

    You could also try making a hollandaise with rendered smoked bacon fat, and adding that to the ISI.

    The recipe didn't suggest cooking the eggs - just adding them to the infused cream - to some degree I don't want thickness as I'm looking to get that airy foam bit one that holds at the same time :)

  5. Another way to do it to have a hot foam is to make a bacon stock (use the rendered fat as well) then make an agar/xanthan fluid gel using roughly 1% agar and like 0.2% xanthan. You can heat the fluid gel up to 180degF, then add to your whipper and foam away!

    Thanks, will have a go at this as I've got those in the larder!

  6. Morning

    Have been attempting to make the above which is to go on top of a nettle soup...first couple of attempts have tasted fine but the foam hasn't lasted. The make-up WAS spanish bacon lardons rendered down, cooled and added to cream (300G) - after 30 mins, bacon removed, 2 egg yolks added, then blitzed and put in cream whipper and charged with 2 nitro bulbs. Looked fine but foam collapsed quickly and was left with a very nice tasting bacon cream.

    So, should I drop the cream and use a light chicken stock, use some soya lecithin instead/as well?

    Thoughts appreciated!


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