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Everything posted by Drewalsh

  1. Canned tomatoes seem to suffer from a bit of a catch-22. My understanding is the low pH of tomato products breaks down any unprotected metal (or at least metals that cans are usually made of) it comes into contact with, leaving the tomato with a metallic taste and ultimately pitting the can. On the other hand, the white plastic lining most tomato cans contains BPA, which is (probably) notsogoodforyou.
  2. Ditto that. There's a local cheese shop here in town that keeps all their cheeses wrapped in plastic wrap. They're very willing to offer samples, but it's an empty gesture, because the samples always taste like plastic and very little else. This is such a major pet peeve of mine. When I was trained behind the cheese counter, I was taught to diligently scrape the face of the cheese with the back of a knife before cutting a sample to get rid of that plastic wrap taste. I have yet to find a cheese shop in Manhattan or Brooklyn that adheres to this practice. For my money, nothing tastes more like the container it is packed in than canned corn.
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