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Norm Matthews

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Everything posted by Norm Matthews

  1. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    The meat was marinated in half a cup of the magic paste and a cup of the BBQ sauce plus some lemongrass and green onions. Afterwards, the marinade was brought to a boil for a couple minutes and was the dipping sauce. Click on the link at the bottom the this post to see the whole recipe. Magic Paste 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 5 cloves garlic, peeled 2 Tablespoons fennel seeds 1/2 C. fish sauce 1/4 C. toasted sesame oil 1/4 c. Korean Chili flakes. Korean BBQ sauce 1 C. dark brown sugar 1/2 C. water 1 C. soy sauce 1 small onion, coarsely chopped 1 Asian pear, peeled, coarsely chopped 1 kiwi, peeled, coarsely chopped 8 cloves garlic, peeled 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 1/4 C. toasted sesame oil
  2. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I recently noticed a thread about this year's new cook books and ordered the Korean BBQ book and made Korean Beef Satay from it for dinner.
  3. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    Our dinner was turkey pot pie with ground turkey.
  4. One time, a long time ago, my son and I took a trip to LA to visit his mom and grandparents stopping along the way to sight see. After leaving LA we came back to Kansas via Highway 1 along the coast and north of San Francisco, headed east to Jackson Hole. Somewhere, while still in California, on a forested two lane, we came to a fork in the road. On one fork were two tall posts with a chain across the road. Across the top of the two poles was a sign that said Hidden Valley. I have always wondered if that was the same place as where the dressing came from.
  5. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I think this is the third time Charlie has asked for this. It's kielbasa and cabbage. He wants me to use a package of slaw mix because he likes it with carrots and he even wants it with egg noodles on the side.
  6. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I had sort of planned to make something different but didn't read the recipe all the way through until about an hour before dinner time and it needed up to 4 hours in the refrigerator so I used a couple steaks I got on sale Sunday and made fries to go with it.
  7. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    Charlie got some new patio furniture so I rearranged the outdoor cooking stuff. Then I smoked some St. Louis cut ribs. I put the Weber out on the curb with a FREE sign on it and it was shortly gone. Whoever got it paid as much for it as I did when someone left it for me some 8 or 9 years ago. I forgot to rotate the ribs during the cooking so you can tell how close they were to the fire by how much they fell off the bone... or didn't
  8. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I guess I was lucky with the Creole seasoning mix I used. I accidently used two tablespoons instead of two teaspoons, but I noticed it all settled to the bottom of the mixing bowl so I didn't stir it up and when I poured it out into the skillet, I left most of it behind and when I seasoned the shrimp, I just sprinkled a little of it on the shrimp so I probably ended up using less of the mix than the recipe intended. PS I used some Asian stir fry mix on some chicken a few days ago and it ended up so salty, I threw the leftovers out. There were a lot of left overs because we didn't eat much in the first place.
  9. Quote from my late Uncle Glen: "If there is an empty (serving) bowl on the table after dinner, then somebody didn't get enough to eat."
  10. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    We liked it. I have not subscribed to Food and Wine for quite a while but they still send me emails.
  11. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    We had Shrimp Creole with rice. The recipe is said to be from Emeril when he was still at Commander's Palace.
  12. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    Dinner was chicken thighs baked with tomato, onion and red potatoes.
  13. "I love small furry animals, especially with a good gravy". Seen on a bumper sticker
  14. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    We had French Onion Pork Chops. I cut the recipe down to two thick pork chops. Caramelizing the onions then putting them in the oven for 25 minutes caused them to become burned in part. It would probably have been better to just cook them until softened. It was still good after we scraped off the onions.
  15. I seldom ever watched 'Friends' but the story probably came from that episode, either it was one of the few I watched or someone told me about it.
  16. I will always share a recipe but one time my ex came over and asked for some of my recipes. I let her copy anything she wanted out of my hand written recipe book. This was before computers and the internet. Some time after she left, I discovered one of our favorites missing. I presume she stole it. When the internet came about, i found several recipes by the same name but they were different. Either someone had simplified the original or I had improvised some additions to the original which came from a magazine that said it was from a restaurant in California. I was able to recreate it to our satisfaction over time but I'd still like to see the one that was in my cookbook again. I expect any recipe I give out to lose my name sooner or later. I got a recipe from a friend and always refer to it as her recipe even though she told me she got it from somewhere else. Once there was a recipe that I gave out and the person asking was famous and my recipe is on her web site and attributed to me but she changed the recipe in a way that makes it not as good -in my opinion- even though people have told me about how much they enjoy it. ps the above recipe was printed in a California news paper and they said it was from the famous lady. I wish I could remember all the details of this one story I heard but it was about an aunt's fab. recipe for choc. chip cookies. She claimed it was an exotic recipe and gave it an fancy name. After years, the story teller discovered the recipe was the Toll House Cookie recipe.
  17. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I was going to do an easy meal with some slaw mix cooked with bacon, onions and kielbasa and have it with corn; mango and melon. Then Charlie said he'd like egg noodles too. I didn't have any so he said he'd make mac and cheese but there were several hours before dinner and I thought noodles sounded good, so I made some. It was pretty easy with the Kitchenaid pasta maker. Charlie said they were really good but I can never tell a difference between them and store bought.
  18. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    We had a shrimp salad the other day that we liked a lot so I made it as a main dish today. I heated the oil and lemon juice dressing so it would wilt the lettuce this time and it is in the center of the seasoned rice ring. The shrimp covered it up in the first picture.
  19. I wonder if there are differences in the composition of aluminum products.
  20. Perhaps, but BKF isn't known for abrasiveness. We have an aluminum ice cream scoop that is dark gray from many times in the dishwasher. I just cleaned it with BKF and it shined again but left a dark spot on the dish rag. The rag is probably stained for good. Then I went after it with SOS and it polished a little more, but it's still gray. Cleaning the pizza pan right out of the dishwasher with BKF was easier. Below is the pan and scoop. Both are easily 25 to 30 years old.
  21. He has not forgotten since I talked to him a year ago. It takes some elbow grease but if you get at it the first time, it shines again. Letting it go for a few times is a lot more difficult.
  22. I tell my son to not put our perforated pizza pan in the dishwasher. Not because I am concerned about any ill effects of aluminum oxide, but just because I don't like the look of dull aluminum. When he forgets and puts it in anyway, I bring back the shine with Barkeepers Friend and sometimes finish it with SOS. It's an extra effort I prefer over looking at dull pans. I never put my sheet pans in the dishwasher but when they get grungy due to everyday crud build up, they are cheap enough to replace without much thought. It is nice to know, however, that there are stainless pans. I'll probably replace my pans with SS eventually.
  23. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    My old wok got sold in a garage sale a couple years ago. It had not been used in a long long time. It did not do well on an electric stove. Now that I have a gas stove with a large burner, I thought it was time to get a new one. I broke it in today with some marinated steak. We had it with some roasted vegetables and rice.
  24. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    Tonights dinner was Chicken Curry.
  25. Norm Matthews

    Dinner 2018

    I went to a road side farmers stand and got okra and tomatoes for dinner tonight. I was going to just grill a steak to go with it but was afraid it would not be enough so I added a shrimp salad. I was wrong. Neither of us could finish it all. There will be left overs.
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