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  1. I will be going back to Taiwan again and i think it is an underrated foodie destination. Be sure if you go to Taiwan, specifically Taipei, you get some soy milk and shao bing or egg crepes. the best is by a place by the Sheraton hotel. It is on a second floor of a market-like space. It is called FU HANG DOU JIANG at Hua Shan Market. They open up very early, the alternative is YONG HE DOU JIANG DA WANG, it is only okay. Things to eat, at Shilin get the "fried" soup dumplings or something called, "big sausage in little sausage"- basically a rice sausage (think cajun boudin) that is butterflied and a chinese sausage is shoved inside it. I do not think Din Tai Fung is overrated, but the crowds can be annoying, so normally, because the flight from the US comes in stupid early, we usually hit it up after dropping off our luggage at the hotel. There is a DTF at Taipei 101 i heard is quite big. Yong Kang St. is full of tasty eats and beef noodle soup which is a must in Taiwan. Also if you have a sweet tooth, i think it is at Raohue Market and other random places is this creation where they take a piping hot bun that comes out of the oven, and stick a slab of frozen butter in the middle. It sounds, like something from a county fair, but it is crazy good. you can always do what I do when I am in an unfamiliar place and looking for food, just look for a line of people and get in line as quickly as possible, once you are in line, then you can figure out what the line is for and if you dont, just replicate the order of the dude in front of you and hope for the best!
  2. I am too a fan of Oriental Garden I like Big Wing Wong on Mott which are the orginal people from Big Wong. for fast food I have to go with Wah mei on Hester. I love the Taiwanese style fried pork or chicken, I always insist on extra "sauce". Its a very hole in the wall kind of place.
  3. Went there this past Saturday and this place fills up real fast! Ended up getting the pickled pork tongue, the tortilla espanola with blood sausage and shrimp and finished off with a graceland. I enjoyed it and want to go back to try other selections and their dinner service. more details of the stuff i got it up in my blog stuff omnomzhero.blogspot.com
  4. I am going there tomorrow morning, I will write it up when I get back. I am really hoping that cupcake/muffin Graceland combo is there. I think that is worth a short no. 7 line trip haha.
  5. I read the article this morning and I am now quite curious on what Kennedy Chicken taste like. It was a well written article.
  6. They have one with pizza and wings in the same box but,alas, it does not include the cookies wow this is temping to buy. If they eventually combine them altogether and put pizza, wings and cookies in the same box, add in a 30 pack of natty light and you got college.
  7. I got 2 jars of there hazelnut spread for my birthday. It is pretty good although I dont know if it is just me, but I dont get as much of the hazelnut taste in it but since it tastes awesome, it doesnt really bother me.
  8. I generally do not like white chocolate but I tried the askinoise white chocolate bar and I must say it is a good piece of chocolate, most white chocolates i have had in the past, unfortunately supar bars you generally one dimensional and it is straight sugar whereas the askinoise the sweetness was pleasant and a good clean taste. also the bar wasnt albino white either, it was more like ivory. I have also had their davao dark chocolate and their chocolate spread. My most recent favorite has been the Amano Madagascar which I am digging the citurs undertones in the bar.
  9. i had a big hunk candy bar yesterday. not ashamed.
  10. I used to not be able to eat eggplant and bitter melon gourd as a kid. Pretty much I finally found a preparation that I enjoyed and I actually enjoy eating themm, especially eggplant. Mustard I used to hate as a kid as well, now the spicier the better when it comes to mustard.
  11. Yeah, I meant the momofuku miso butterscotch recipe. It is basically miso that is caramelized/browned in the oven and then combined with brown sugar and such that it becomes butterscotch that has a nice saltiness to it. It is one of the few sweet recipes he has and it is used as an accompaniment with his fried apple pie. This either will taste awesome or end up taste like...well yeah. I'll see what happens.
  12. I use about 2-3 tablespoons of the nibs. I have been using the Schaeffer Berger cocao nibs so they are crushed and quite finely chopped down. I apologize for not mentioning that, I forgot that nibs themsleves come in all shapes and sizes. I have been thinking of doing a little bit of experimenting, I have just tried some of the momofuku msio butterscotch and I am totally loving it. I am thinking of combining the miso butterscotch and making that in a butterscotch peacan ice cream. I am going to make the base probably friday and churn it up saturday morning, hopefully it works haha.
  13. Darienne, sorry you didnt like it, I guess my palate is just different and like the slight bitterness as well as the crunch from the nibs bring a nice contrast to the sweetness of the condensed milk. Maybe I am just weird haha. The caramel cocao nibs sounds interesting, I think I need to try that. I would also suggest the chocolate covered nibs Taza has, I need to hide that bag because I will just eat them straight up. As for Magic Shell, that stuff is awesome! I have no shame in saying that I if magic shell is on hand I will use it on ice cream. That lambic looks awesome! It is now being added to the list of stuff to try. Made the Peach Ice Cream and the sour cream really does bring a nice tangy to it. I also used White Peaches as well.
  14. whoops, I got the recipe from Ready for Dessert, not Perfect Scoop. Let us know how that lambic ice turns out!
  15. thanks for the link Darienne! Make a strawberry yogurt and used some gelatin in it and it mos def smoothed it out and produced a good result. Made the Mexican Chocolate from Perfect Scoop, all I can say is WOW, amazingly rich and tasty! Instead of just adding in regular almonds I pralined them first to make it even more awesome.
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