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Punk Rock Chef

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  1. I am in school now, but only after quite a bit of experience in the restaurant industry did I finally decide to go to school. I have to say, alot of my fellow students have a pretty warped idea of what restaurant life really is like. I went in knowing the hours, the lifestyle, the people, etc. I think the "newer, kinder gentler youth" wouldn't hack it behind the line day in and day out. I think the majority of my class is interested in catering, nutrition, private chef work, etc.
  2. Does anybody have a review? I applaud the local and sustainable ingredients the chef uses, and the menu looks great! I am looking to take a trip down to Greenville in the Spring from New York City. I'm looking forward to eating around Greenville.
  3. the first thing that really caught my eye was the duck and red tea. i think red tea might be a little too floral for duck. I did a dish not too long ago with roast cod in a fish fumet infused with red tea. the fish stock balanced out the tea nicely for a not too floral and not too fishy broth.
  4. I am looking for some sort of box or contraption to cure meat in. I was thinking about one of those standup wine refrigerators where I can control the temp, but humidity might be a problem. Any suggestions?
  5. Hearts are awesome braised with beef stock, some mirepox, a nice bold cab, and finish it off with some demi glace.
  6. I am looking to learn about edible flowers that I can easily find/grow in New Jersey. Are there any good books or resources I can check out?
  7. whats the status of the spot? I'm looking forward to Fine Dining in FairLawn. I'm just one town over in Hawthorne
  8. And isn't it a "red eye" when you add a raw egg? from the movie Cocktail
  9. I like having the option of a al a carte menu as well as a chefs tasting menu. Some light pastry options, and real coffee/tea service. I also love to see some sort of offal on a menu besides foie gras, even if its sweetbreads, or marrow.
  10. I smoked a 16 lb pork shoulder over night, by myself, on a webber kettle grill. It took around 18 hours. I had maybe 20 people over the next day for bbq. I also smoked 2 chickens, and a large variety of sides I did myself. I was awake for around 36 hours. I couldn't wait for everybody to leave.
  11. My first night on the line was scary. I remember my hands shaking with both adrenaline and fear. We had one full turn (about 80) on the first night the restaurant was open. I had servers and dish washers helping me plate salad. The whole kitchen was in disarray not only because it was my first night on the line, but it was the first night open. I worked 2 stations that night, and I have to say, for my first shot in a professional kitchen and first night on the line I did pretty good. Just make your mise is perfect (including knives, tools, plates, squeeze bottles, towels, etc.) and make sure you keep your station perfectly clean. And make sure you know your pickups like the back of your hand. I used to always keep a notebook in my pocket with all of my stations dish components and plating instructions, just in case my mind turned to mush (which occasionally happens to me when I panic and get nervous
  12. I haven't found them really this year, but if you are up for the trip the Warwick NY farmers market usually has a mushroom vendor that has them fresh and dried.
  13. besides Peters in Midland Park, by the Paterson farmers market there is a small Asian fish market that has wonderful fish and shellfish. I've used them before for dinner parties, as well as for BBQ's. Fish is superfresh and the prices are great. Its right next to Western Consumer Meats.
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