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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Hi Kerry I will attend. I can help you bring supplies if you need me
  2. Did you just juice the limes and use that juice?
  3. I didn't need 4 either but my $50 was expiring tomorrow so I didn't want to lose it. With the 4 containers I was able to get free shipping
  4. For us Canadians, I just ordered the extra containers from Bed Bath and Beyond. 2 containers for $25. I had my $50 Myfunds expiring tomorrow, so I bought 4 canisters for $7 after discount https://www.bedbathandbeyond.ca/store/product/ninja-creami-pints-and-lids-2-pack/5650266
  5. Have you or has anybody tried freezing small chunks of peanut butter ahead of time and then adding them in as a mix in?
  6. I also ordered from BBB on Saturday and the Baby coupon worked..It is being delivered Sept 15
  7. Just picked up some from Chef's Warehouse
  8. They don't make it easy, but here is the latest chart: https://www.my-vb.com/sites/default/files/2019-03/TM_Chocolaterie_TAB08G-A_EN 2018-mail_0.pdf
  9. I have used Francisco Migoya's recipe a few times. For normal eclairs, he suggests to pipe out long strands of eclairs, freeze them and cut them to size. https://www.saint-honore.me/blog/eclairs-pate-a-choux He has other examples of choux on his blog as spheres and discs
  10. Although I've never tried silicone molds for caramels, Kriss Harvey uses these molds for caramel and PDFs: https://darkcitymolds.com/collections/all-silicone-molds I also think Ruth uses silicone molds for caramel
  11. I'm sorry to see this late but I do have Cedric Grolet's recipe for this (in French) if you are still interested. EDIT: Oops I tried to delete this message. I do not have the recipe for his Pomme Tatin. The recipe is for the Pommes Aneth: https://www.academiedugout.fr/recettes/tartelettes-pomme-aneth_11704_2
  12. Savour school just did a video about this. She uses gold metallic powder mixed with 100% alcohol to spray the mold. Then she sprays a thin layer of cocao butter once the alcohol has evaporated.
  13. I made a cherry cheesecake ice cream that tasted very good. You basically bake a cheesecake and then blend it in with your base. I got the recipe from the book "Salt and Straw Ice Cream"
  14. The guitar sheets from Chocolat Chocolat are 80 microns
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