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Everything posted by kykr13

  1. Same, and I live near Chicago where such an admission would bring silence to the streets. I also choose New York style pizza, and would rather have that ketchup-laden hot dog than Chicago pizza any day...
  2. Post #2 here, guess I'm off to a good start... --Cheese flavored Chex Mix. A road trip wouldn't be complete without it. Solo, anyway - won't admit that guilty pleasure to most people. --I really don't mind starting the day with a cup of instant coffee. There's the whole benefit of less stuff to wash and time to take versus using a French press. Having said that, I'm sure Bodum is enroute to my house right now to repossess their fine piece of equipment. --Most of the story is in the "this can't be my life, how'd I get here?" category, but I was able to try Foie Gras twice last summer. In France. In pretty high-level situations. I was told it was very, very good which I would have assumed anyway based on the places we were. I looked for a cocktail napkin and a discreet moment...
  3. I think the article is missing the point with online reviews from the masses of an opening night. Anyone who has been to one (as a customer, I'm not in the industry) can (should?) probably expect that there will be a couple of rough spots. Maybe the person writing the review just happened to find one of those. I'd hope that most reasonable people will realize that the restaurant in question deserves the benefit of the doubt. However, I'm generally not an opening night kind of guy.
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