Hey there - looking for some advice on cooking beef back ribs. I have done beef back ribs twice, both times started in my (homemade) smoker and then continued in a slow oven. Smoked them at 225-250 for about 2 hours and then another 3 hours in the oven at the same temp. They were great. But I picked up Jennifer McLagan's "Bones" a few months back and have been dying to try a recipe from it. She suggests cooking beef back ribs with the same general approach you would use for the meat that used to be attached to them. In other words, she says to roast beef back ribs at a high temperature for a limited time and take them out when they're still a bit rare. Now I love the idea of rare tasty beef ribs - but has anyone tried this? Don't they need long, low, slow cooking to get tender? I'm having some folks over for the Superbowl and will be home all day so I certainly can do low and slow (would be all oven as I can't smoke in our current deep freeze temperatures) but I'd like to try the faster roasting if I can feel confident about it being good. Any dinosaur bones afficionados out there? Thanks in advance... I have been lurking here for about 5 years, learned much, and always enjoy reading about what people are making. This is my first post. i.