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Everything posted by opinionated_alchemist

  1. I usually prefer my spirits [where I can choose it] also at 45% - especially in mixology. I believe that 40% / 43% abv can be great sippers. But already when you add ice, they usually tend to loose. And if you make a cocktail, you would need the extra º to fight the dilution. I tried to mix quite neutral overproof rum [bacardi 151º] with a decent light rum [Matusalem Platino] and this mixture works wonders in classic daiquiris and especially in mojitos. But also Bourbon is great, when it comes on a higher proof. And - naturally - gin! After I tried several different spirits in cocktails, I would say between 45% and 50% - off course depending on which cocktail you like to savor. Would not "mix" great [precious/expensive] spirits though...
  2. Who haven't tried Baiju has no idea... Unfortunately I really hate it. I thought, that a spirit, which is consumed by so many people [millions of Chinese] it has to ok. Awgh was I wrong. I got two "samples" of a Chinese colleague [should have been a present - but I rather see it as torture] - but I also tried some when I was working as Beverage Manager in a hotel with a Chinese restaurant. It is like rocket fuel - only that rocket fuel would taste far better than it! I really cannot think of anything, which would tame down the taste. It is not so much the fiery character, is more the penetrating taste, which seems to last with you for hours. Sorry - I am usually quite creative, even at least a bit diplomatic. But not for Baiju. The taste reminds me pretty much on Awamori [Japanese rice spirit]- however latter has just a hint of funkiness and this can be incorporated in recipes and could result into an enjoyable cocktail. Baiju - not at all. If my liquor cabinets would be empty and if I could not buy any liquor, I would stay teetotaling - I would not touch a drop of it.
  3. This might be a stupid question. Or it is just totally sacrilege... I thought about the whole sous vide hacks - especially the ones in slow cookers. So why not "braising" the protein directly in the liquid - without the vacuum? Maybe some adjustments [to have a more consistent temperature] like aluminum foil on top is needed. But overall it should work!? Not in all cases. But in case of stews and so on, it would be interesting [yes I know, you still would need to cook the vegetables on a higher temperature - separate]. Would be curious about your opinion on this... Cheers! Dominik MJ
  4. Please get over to my website www.opinionated-alchemist.com I've jumped over my own shadow and posted a dairy recipe: the Batida de Maracuja. In this case, dairy is condensed milk - and this is very authentic in Brazil. At this time, it wasn't camel milk [ha ha - despite the fact, that I am living in Dubai] - what I really cannot approve at any chance... A pity is, that not other Dubai bartenders participated this MxMo - as we do have here quite a lot of camel milk drinks around! Anyway - see you on the opinionated_minus_alchemist_dot_com!!! Cheers! Dominik MJ
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