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Andy Jackson

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  1. I have toasted sesame oil I have only ever had london chinatown food & various local takeaways & am not sure how authentic they are but they tasted good. I no longer live there so I am trying to recreate the tastes I enjoyed. Thanks for your advice.
  2. I always use sesame oil with my stir fry at the end is this right? Are there some instances where sesame oil should never be used with certain ingredients? Some recipes I see never use it others always do there seems to be no rule that I have discovered so far. Look forward to your input Thank you.
  3. Fantastic info, thanks so much for all your help & advice.
  4. Thanks so much for both your replies. That is just what I needed to know. I too hate the burnt garlic taste. It always says in recipes to get the wok & oil smoking hot but then my garlic always burns.
  5. Hello I always thought that every chinese savoury recipe required ginger & garlic, but now I see some recipes do & some don't. Are there rules for when to use garlic & ginger or just 1 or the other? Many Thanks Andy
  6. I always thought that every recipe required ginger & garlic, but now I see some recipes do & some don't. Are there rules for when to use garlic & ginger or just 1 or the other? I love these recipes as I consider them to be a great resource form a very knowledgeable cook & written so well in English. Thank you for this great work.
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