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  1. KK cannot be as bad as the doughnuts served in a carvery in Devon. Travelling through "Gods own county", my elderly, blind, diabetic companion felt that he was going out of balance and needed some sugar. We popped into a roadside restaurant and saw that they had "Chocolate Dipping Doughnuts". These were ordered and served up one minute later. The dipping sauce looked like thin beef stock and the doughnuts were uncooked. We complained to the waitress who took them away, only to arrive back at our table with the doughnuts now steaming but still pale. The looked a little white but I picked one up to examine it more closely anyway. It dripped out of my hand onto the plate below. When this was pointed out to the waitress she could not understand what was wrong as she had "GIVEN THEM ANOTHER MINUTE IN THE MICROWAVE". I rest my case.
  2. Looking Better Now!!!!! Pictures work....will add more later.
  3. There are reasons for the various bits that do not work in the website. The main one is that Basildog managed to lose the CD containing his copy and the only copy that I had was not up to date. If Basildog would stop playing with babydog for ten minutes & let me have the details I have asked him for I would be only too pleased to bring the whole thing up to date. I have only been waiting two weeks . To those of you that have taken the time to make comments on the site "Thank You"
  4. Glenwood


    Pork belly is easily available in England, just ask your butcher. Very cheap, very tasty, very good. I will be trying the above ideas on my customers.
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