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david goodfellow

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Everything posted by david goodfellow

  1. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/a...6uTdpvdxLBl9x9Q So, have I got this straight? He couldn't raise a £200k overdraft to keep the show on the road (being unprepared to risk his own capital/house), but he has somehow come up with enough "private support" and "some of his own money" to do the cherry-picking. Isn't there an inconsistency there? Always seemed such a nice chap too ... ← Exactly!I was prepared to utter the statement "Bankers are not stupid"however given the plight of the global economy and our miserable share of it I think this statement would raise howls of derision. I would be interested in finding out how his suppliers have suffered over this debacle? ← Well,Well,Well,Wozza, Funny how things turn out eh http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/busi...icle6036272.ece
  2. If your lucky enough to live in West Sussex,or indeed if you are just passing through. Head on down for the ever so cheap, and hugely cheerful lunch bargain. Following the likes of The Hand and Flowers and Michael Caines at Abode this is stunning value. £10.95 buys you two courses of happiness at this fine Country House Hotel. Michelin starred chef Stephen Crane will ease your wallet ever so gently with his credit crunch lunch deal. Obviously, don't expect fireworks at these prices, but do however expect an introduction to what the kitchen can offer. Michelin starred chef Matthew Tomkinson ( Montagu Arms) was Cranes's sous chef for four and a half years, so you begin to understand the quality of the kitchen. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Anybody been fortunate enough to sample new Michelin starred Michael Wignall's food yet. We dined there on Thursday and had a terrific meal . When I have a bit more time I will write it up!
  4. Spot on... if this were Great French Menu then Clifford would have won hands down. Unfortunately both his starters and fish course did not really remind me of 'a taste of home' while his dessert which is quintessentially british did not deliver in terms of taste. Makes me wonder how good Purnell's dessert really is because he got through on the basis of 2 dishes. ← K, His desserts are really on the money Not complicated, just loads of flavour They were that good I asked on our last visit who was on pastry? I'm sure they said Simon ( Szymanski ) If that was what I remember correctly, this figures, as they have been together going back to Simpsons,( ten years?) he's an intrinsic part of Glynn Purnells success. They are also good friends. Flavour is all , here.. I bet that you are cursing your luck at not being able to get a table on your recent Birmingham visit?
  5. Some more interesting news about Gordon Ramsay Holdings http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/artic...erlin-hold.html
  6. Now,I like Glynn Purnell And I like Daniel Clifford But who is best? Well there's only one way to find out! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT !
  7. We ate their four weeks ago, and were very impressed. I have to admit that I did not see two star level. But I do now! The word complex was overused last night, but sums the content of his work to a tee. It would appear he uses layers of flavors to tease the palate. I looked at the tasting menu on his website last night, and am really looking forward to giving it a whirl. Best hurry up though before the stampede!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. mmmm been playing with an ultrasonic atomiser to create aromas and looking at playing with the vacuum clarification idea, L2o have moved down that road if you check their blog as the clarimax is pants to be honest, uses an algea pressed tablet to pass liquid through clarrifying in the process but in simple terms its crap and its far cheaper using the freezer route with mild gelification and the brilliant super bags have you seen anything new? ← Was reading with interest about your methods here http://www.bighospitality.co.uk/item/3102/23/5/3 Will we be trying any of this on our next visit.? Have you changed the bespoke recently? Not of course that, I could'n't eat it again. Just interested to see what you have up your sleeve,so to speak!
  9. I think they dispatch them at about six weeks old. Shame! The ones on television were about the size of a poussin (which I also like) Rather plump and noticeably larger. Hopefully someone will locate them for you (us).
  10. I'm sure its not !. I know where he (she) is coming from! I love eating Quail and indeed bought some from my local livestock auction (chicks) However, I am not up to dispatching them, but did enjoy eating the eggs. We have very fond memories of Quail with a rich cream and grape cassoulet in a Gault Millau recommended restaurant in Cannes some years ago now. And buy prepared ones when available (especially when in France) There are larger breed of Quail and I have seen them on TV, nearly sure it was on Great British Menu two years ago. One of the chef suppliers was featured, (should have made a note) Hoping this thread develops as I have'n't had Quail in ages and would buy some now.
  11. I tend to agree. Its a very good neighbourhood restaurant,but feels a little, bistro-ish for the pricing,perhaps. I remember commenting on another blog about me thinking it was star* worthy, back then, in November. And it did indeed gain one. Thinking back on the meal, I still think the same today, however hiccups do occur and it would appear, perhaps it was just so, on the day of your visit. I would like to think so, because we really enjoyed it I for one would most certainly go back, but, like you perhaps would not make a special journey. Happy Dining!
  12. I have a special fondness for "The Lakes". Our first excursion into fine dining was at the famous Sharrow Bay "the first ever country house hotel" Also incidentally, the inventor of "Sticky toffee pudding" We had part of our honeymoon there, and very strange though it may seem, our recent return to the area was, ( unbeknown to me) our wedding anniversary! Well L'Enclume? What can I say about it that hasn't already been said? First a little bit of background. An overnight stay was required because of the distance from home, and as Mrs G was getting fed up with me always being on my laptop We came to an agreement!!! Leave the laptop at home. Enjoy the food without analysing every mouthful. Don't take photos Don't make notes. I had to agree as I quickly realised that it would make the meal a more relaxing prospect,given the amount of courses and flavours involved. We chose Menu 2, £70 13 courses plus an amuse, fourteen in effect. I admit to phoning L'Enclume today as I could'nt remember the amuse and we came to the conclusion that it was Cod tongues,Nori batter,Sesame emulsion followed by,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tamarillo "martini" fizz Cod "yolk" crispies Egg drop hot and sour soup Surf and Turf Razor Role reversal 08 Shredded foie Suid ravioli,vodka and frogs legs Chick o Hake in verjus Hot Pot La11 Venison, orange and clove Expearamenthol frappe Sticky tacky pudding Violets and Yuzu Well as I said,its all been said before, and probably better than I could describe it myself. As the days have past since our visit the memory is less fresh in my mind as to the wonderful dishes we enjoyed, in fact I had to reference Harters recent review above to jog my memory. I am very relieved to report that his review is pretty spot on as to our experience also. The first four proper, plus the amuse really were wonderful. I couldnt have been more pleased. The Razor clam dish I felt was a little bit chewy and not quite as good. The Chick o hake is really a top notch dish! Unlike Harters I really enjoyed LA11, perhaps Simon Rogan has adapted/refined this dish. Chefs do follow this site! Again Violets and Yuzu was very much to my taste, not quite hitting the high notes for Mrs G. Service was very friendly, and ably performed by our French waiter Maitre D, Franck DeLetange has returned to the fold after a four year absence to impart an extra injection of much welcomed personality to the place. Good show! On summing up I used to liken these multi taste extavaganza's to my first girlfriend. Tease,Tease,Tease,Tease,Tease I've changed my opinion after this meal. IT DELIVERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps Thank you Harters for your help with your review.
  13. This is quite spooky You must be a mind reader, or your connected to L'Enclume ? (I spoke to them earlier today) lol. Been meaning to write this up for a while. I think todays the day!
  14. Very well done indeed Marc. Must make that return visit very soon.
  15. No, please don't. I have my own ideas having dined at both restaurants in recent weeks Not that anyone has spilled the beans,of course. You can do us all a favour by letting us know how to buy that wonderful duck. If its good enough for Mr Clifford, it can grace my table any day of the week!
  16. Don't remember Mark Sargeant on last years show. He's up against Tristan Welch for the South East. Think he was that busy being GR's right hand man. Be really interesting what Clare produces. Should be top, top, quality. Can't wait!
  17. Oh, I love it, I really do. The banter. The niggle. Competitive? You bet Do they want to win? Do they just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Although he's not cooked there for three years, he's still a director of the company that owns it. According to this information, it was a fall in trade http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...2il0&refer=muse I wonder how much the business was affected by Contaldo not being there, as he is such a big personality?
  19. This coming weeks Central contestants, are Glynn Purnell and Daniel Clifford One and two Michelin stars respectfully. Monday - starters Tuesday -fish Wednesday - mains Thursday - dessert Friday - Results day-who goes through to the final?
  20. Anybody been since the re-opening? Especially interested in hearing about how the "freebies" meals are being integrated into the bookings. And if indeed any have taken place yet. Is there a pledge to secrecy?
  21. Seems a bit steep to me. I am presuming you did not take desserts, as you make no mention of them. The starters are a bit pricey especially the foie gras at over £16 (including service). The Veal is reasonabley priced given that its a premium product. We dined here last November and had a very decent meal. Marcus Eaves wasn't in the kitchen on the day but it made no difference, we felt. The place itself is pretty cramped, and I understand little or no money was spent on it from its previous interior. (as Blandford St Restaurant) I suppose when you compare it to say Corrigans in Mayfair,or any other recent opening that has had many hundreds of thousands spent on them its a fair chunk of money given the surroundings. Btw how much were the drinks?
  22. Bloody hell David, you are commited to the cause. Glad you enjoyed it I am back there in a couple of weeks and the review will be in tomorrows Observer. ← Hurray for Manchester, and its proud citizens. Mr Caines and Mr Matfin are Stars**, * I could commit every day at £12 if it were in my back yard! Mr Rayner is mightily impressed. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/200...nes-abode-hotel
  23. Another bit of sad industry news. Passione, the restaurant owned by Gennaro Contaldo,Jamie Oliver's mentor has closed its doors forever. I understand he now works for Jamie Thats loyalty for you!!!
  24. Excellent news about progress from Mat, really pleased for him. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fo...od-1654151.html
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